2024-09-06 Network Access Management - Meeting Minutes

Attendees & Representation

Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance


LF Staff: 

Community: @Christopher Aubut @Justin Pace @Ben Hepworth 


  • Antitrust Policy

  • Review of previous meeting minutes

  • Overall Topics

  • Regular Topics

    • Closed PRs and Issues

    • Open Pull Requests

    • New Issues

    • Open Issues

  • Any Other Topics


Review of previous meeting minutes

  • Previous meeting minutes: 2024-08-23

    • no comments

Overall topics

Closed PRs and Issues

Open Pull Requests

New Issues


Review scope and time plan for Release Candidate

Any other topics

  • Tentatively canceling next meeting with SCTE coming up.

Action items 

  • No Updates - (2024-08-09) Review Commonalities and DeviceIdentifier to look for overlap with NAM.

    • Charter and CableLabs are looking at expanding the scope of this API, so any overlap with other CAMARA APIs should be considered. 

  • Updates - (2024-08-09) Optional endpoints should be split into different OpenAPI spec files.  All endpoints in a file should be implemented.

    • (2024-09-22) - Double check on this.

  • No Updates - (2024-08-09) It was mentioned on yesterday's Backlog call that the notion of API Families is going away calling into question if NAM fits as part of Home Devices any more.

    • From the Backlog call:

      • API may be split into multiple endpoint files aligning with previous comment from @Randy Levensalor.

      • Endpoints may share or be split into multiple repos with different CODEOWNERS / MAINTAINERS.

      • The same meeting should be used for all endpoints, which is not currently done with Home Devices QoD.

  • No Updates - (2024-08-09) Break up commonalities issues into new issues

  • No Updates - Open issue for default device alignment with Commonalities.

  • New - (2024-08-22) Convert or close / reopen PR for non-META release.