2024-10-10 BlockChain Public Address - Meeting Minutes

2024-10-10 BlockChain Public Address - Meeting Minutes

Community Attendees:

@Georgios Papadopoulos (DT)

@Rafal Artych(DT)

@Klaus Reifenrath (VF)

Community Attendees:

@Julian Ueding (Alpha Zero Foundation)
@Antonio Bartulovic (Alpha Zero Foundation)
@Pedro Díez García (TEF)

LF Staff:



Oct 10, 2024


Status: FINAL

Final Date for Comments: Oct 22, 2024


Antitrust Policy

  • WG status (Settle next steps)


Management of WG

  • Meetings are now managed by Zoom, WG appreciates the support and management to @Casey Cain.


Consolidated Work

  • N/A


Issues Review









Management of New Meetings

@Pedro Díez García


Meetings information are being moved to LF Tools:

  • Meeting minutes to Confluence CAMARA site for this Subproject. DONE

  • Meeting calls to Zoom. Already managed, with LF support. DONE


WG status - Main Next Objectives



Resume meetings after summer period (WG on-hold)

Next overall objective for the WG is to generate a new public release for Blockchain Public Address, within the scope of MetaRelease Spring 25. Therefore Commonalities, I&CM and RM guidelines will have to be followed

No new business requirements so far so we can focus on:

  • Align specification to commonalities

  • Resolve pending issues

API Enhancement due to Consent Management · Issue #16 · camaraproject/BlockchainPublicAddress

@Pedro Díez García


No feeback received yet from Business side.

  • Consent Management topic is set undefinitely on-hold until input from TEF Business

10/OCT: TEF indicates this topic is still on-hold. Will ping Business durign this quarter

Avoiding the use of "plain" phoneNumber as filter criteria of blockchain retrieval · Issue #51 · camaraproject/BlockchainPublicAddress

@Pedro Díez García
@Georgios Papadopoulos (Unlicensed)



Not providing “plain” phoneNumber as input criteria for blockchain retrieval

10/OCT: DT indicates we have to think in a confident solution. TEF indicates not think in detail so far but it will do.

Enhancement of blockchainPublicAddress belongs to the user whose phoneNumber is indicated to set-up the binding relationship · Issue #52 · camaraproject/BlockchainPublicAddress

@Georgios Papadopoulos (Unlicensed)


Enforcement about blockchainPublicAddress really belongs to the phoneNumber indicated (i.e, the user that owns the phoneNumber)

10/OCT: DT indicates we have to design a solution that provides security and reliability. In the past was commented about sending of OTP but not also sure that could be a good way.



  • @Julian Ueding and @Antonio Bartulovic from Alpha Zero Foundation joints the first time the meeting. They are interested on how they can help and collaborate within the working group.

    • Summary WG history is commented for them to hav some background context.

    • They will ping offline @Pedro Díez García to have a call and have better understanding of the WG dynamic.


Next Meetings:


Action items

@WG to comment on Issues #51 and #52 ideas and proposals. @Pedro Díez García will also try to have some initial proposal/ideas
@Pedro Díez García to generate a PR to align API with Commonalities Guidelines. The PR can be enhanced later after discusions and agreements about open issues.


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