2025-01-08 Carrier Billing - Meeting Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Rafal Artych (DT)
@Ludovic Robert (ORA)
@Pedro Díez García (TEF)
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
Jan 8, 2025
Status: FINAL
Final Date for Comments: Jan 19, 2025
Antitrust Policy
Issues Review
Management of WG
Official Timeline for Carrier Billing Checkout WG settled to 13:00 UTC (14:00 CET, 15:00 CEST)
Consolidated Work
Issues Review
Issue | Who | Status | Comments |
Results of applying gherkinlint to the test definitions #180 | DT, WG | ONGOING | Issue opened on 04/SEP, after initial checking done by @Rafal Artych. Rafal indicates next steps regarding it is ongoing work in Commonalities and we can take advantage so far to make imporvements in tests definition. @Pedro Díez García to check 16/OCT: Pedro is analyzing tests results, Conclusions will be reported in the issue. Maybe some feedback to be reported to Commonalities. Clear points will be addressed by means of new PR. 30/OCT: Only linter rule for filename.feature file is not working well (file may contain opearyionId and it is lowerCamelCase). For the rest, PR will be raised 13/NOV: PR Enable Gherkin Linting by PedroDiez · Pull Request #191 · camaraproject/CarrierBillingCheckOut generated to cover this issue Linter configuration working well. Some points commented into Commonalities Track. Specific point considered into this WG due to the fact there is an endpoint named There is a linter rule raising an error with logical operator “<=”. It seems to work fine with “>=”. 27/NOV: After some discussion within PR#191 about the workaround, it is agreed to use it and consider some rewording to skip linter topic. This PR will be part of Spring 25 scope. WG will wait some time in order to have commonalities work consolidated. If finally Commonalities work would not be consolidated, we could merge within Carrier Billing WG in order to move forward and have initial linting |
MetaRelease Spring 25 for Carrier Billing APIs · Issue #194 · camaraproject/CarrierBillingCheckOut | WG Management | ONGOING | 27/NOV: Parent Issue to compile all the MetaRelease Spring 25 associated work for Carrier Billing APIs. Some child issues already created (will be mentioned in Minutes as far as we are progressing on it). Some “child” issues to be created within this week (New features and Testing). 12/DIC: Set of child issues created:
Next action will be focus on generating PR for addressing Issue #196. @Rafal Artych provided some input Analysis of Commonalities 0.5.0-alpha.1 changes , in order to help API impacts identification. Expected for next week |
WG Management | ONGOING | 08/ENE: API Release Trackers generated. Take a look to Tanja’s mail on 7th January on behalf of RM. | |
WG Management | ONGOING | 08/ENE: Most priority topic. To be managed in 6th January week. Pedro will advise WG when PR triggered | |
WG Management | ONGOING | 08/ENE: Second priority topic. To be managed hopefully during this week after PR for API Specs aligment triggered. | |
WG Management | ONGOING | 08/ENE: In principle no new requirements for MetaRelease. Ludovic comments not sure whether we can close the topic so far. WG agrees on indicating a comment within the issue and effectively close on M4 milestone. | |
WG Management | ONGOING | 08/ENE: To be managed in the next week. | |
AoB | WG |
Next Meetings
On Jan 22, 2025, 13:00 - 14:00 UTC (14:00 - 15:00 CET // 15:00 - 16:00 CEST) - Meetings Link