2025-03-10 DedicatedNetworks Minutes

2025-03-10 DedicatedNetworks Minutes

Community Attendees:

@Thorsten Lohmar , @Rajat Kandoi @Barath K, @Hubert Przybyz, @steve.vickers @Stefano Brivio, @Masaharu Hattori , @Tanja de Groot , @Fadime Demirer

Community Attendees:

LF Staff:


Antitrust Policy




Agreement of minutes

  • No comments - approved.

Review of APs

  • Way of working - no feedback, implicit assumption is that it is okay.

Release related discussion

  • M3 (21 Jun), M4 (31 Aug) are key targets

  • Need to complete alpha by M3 and make release candidate available

  • Need to make only changes on the release candidate between M3 and M4

  • At M4 the initial release PR should be ready

  • Sandbox APIs can be released as a sandbox api in the fall 25 meta release, only when becoming stable the API cannot be called sandbox. This is a TSC decision.

  • The API subgroup can manage the alpha and release candidate versions - hence target version can be higher than 0.1.0.

  • Tanja has not seen any use cases where sub projects make alpha releases

  • Can also do a public release w/o a meta release but the trust / quality will be perceived to be lower and risky

PR #19 - API Design considerations - No comments - Okay to remove from Git and move to Confluence.

PR #8 - Scope mentioned

PR #21 Device Accesses LCM states

  • States - how many and how to model reasons and codes can be one issue

    • Suggest to think in an evolutionary manner - what is minimal and what are all the features needed.

  • ACLs can be a second issue

PR #20 - Use cases for negotiation be be elaborated by Stefano. What is a pre-req and what is needed to be done by DN APIs?

PR #22 - Security updates - OpenAPI Yaml specs

  • Peterโ€™s comment in the PR fixed. PR approved by Peter.

API high level documentation

  • Summarized by Rajat

  • Feedback on confusing roles and technical entities, also suggest to check Commonalities templates

  • Figure 4 on state changes was perceived as bit misleading / confusing. Same about the โ€œNetworkโ€ entity in Fig 5.

Action Items

  • Thorsten to add names from current list to new page created by CAMARA

  • Stefano to update PR #20 based on discussions above

  • Group Review PR #23

  • Group Review the high level API Description in Confluence

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