2025-03-10 DedicatedNetworks Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Thorsten Lohmar , @Rajat Kandoi @Barath K, @Hubert Przybyz, @steve.vickers @Stefano Brivio, @Masaharu Hattori , @Tanja de Groot , @Fadime Demirer
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
Antitrust Policy
Agreement of last minutes (Link)
Action Items Review
Feedback on WOW?
Meta Release Fall 25
Meta Release Fall 25 : Meta-release Fall25 - CAMARA Project - CAMARA Project
Release Tracker: dedicated-networks v0.1.0 - CAMARA Project - CAMARA Project
API Readiness Checklist: ReleaseManagement/documentation/API-Readiness-Checklist.md at main ยท camaraproject/ReleaseManagement
Issues and Pull Requests
PR #19: Update of API design considerations
Moved to Confluence: API Design Considerations: DedicatedNetworks API Design Considerations - CAMARA Project - CAMARA Project
Suggestion to withdraw PR #19 and continue in Confluence
Issue #8: Scope of Dedicated Networks API version 0.1.0
Issue #21: dedicated-network-accesses.yaml missing device lifecycle
Issue #17: Correlating a Dedicated Network resource within a subsequent IoT Data Transfer Activation API call
Issue #20: Application Developers use cases
New Issue #22: Authorization and Scopes
New Pull Request #23: Enhancing security features
Scope Naming: Commonalities/documentation/API-design-guidelines.md at main ยท camaraproject/Commonalities
API Descriptions
API Highlevel Description : Dedicated Networks APIs High Level Description - CAMARA Project - CAMARA Project:
CAMARA API Description DedicatedNetworks API Description
Agreement of minutes
No comments - approved.
Review of APs
Way of working - no feedback, implicit assumption is that it is okay.
Release related discussion
M3 (21 Jun), M4 (31 Aug) are key targets
Need to complete alpha by M3 and make release candidate available
Need to make only changes on the release candidate between M3 and M4
At M4 the initial release PR should be ready
Sandbox APIs can be released as a sandbox api in the fall 25 meta release, only when becoming stable the API cannot be called sandbox. This is a TSC decision.
The API subgroup can manage the alpha and release candidate versions - hence target version can be higher than 0.1.0.
Tanja has not seen any use cases where sub projects make alpha releases
Can also do a public release w/o a meta release but the trust / quality will be perceived to be lower and risky
PR #19 - API Design considerations - No comments - Okay to remove from Git and move to Confluence.
PR #8 - Scope mentioned
PR #21 Device Accesses LCM states
States - how many and how to model reasons and codes can be one issue
Suggest to think in an evolutionary manner - what is minimal and what are all the features needed.
ACLs can be a second issue
PR #20 - Use cases for negotiation be be elaborated by Stefano. What is a pre-req and what is needed to be done by DN APIs?
PR #22 - Security updates - OpenAPI Yaml specs
Peterโs comment in the PR fixed. PR approved by Peter.
API high level documentation
Summarized by Rajat
Feedback on confusing roles and technical entities, also suggest to check Commonalities templates
Figure 4 on state changes was perceived as bit misleading / confusing. Same about the โNetworkโ entity in Fig 5.
Action Items
Thorsten to add names from current list to new page created by CAMARA
Stefano to update PR #20 based on discussions above
Group Review PR #23
Group Review the high level API Description in Confluence