2025-03-18 EdgeCloud Minutes

2025-03-18 EdgeCloud Minutes

Community Attendees:

@Jose Conde @Ben Hepworth @Thomas Vits @Alvaro Fernandez Garrido @ALI IQBAL @Sergi Alonso @deepak gunjal

Community Attendees:

LF Staff:


Antitrust Policy

  1. Simple Edge Discovery

  1. Optimal Edge Discovery

  1. Application Endpoint Discovery

  1. Edge Application Management

  1. New API Application Endpoint Registration

  1. Traffic Influence

  1. AOB


  1. Simple Edge Discovery-->No News

  1. Optimal Edge Discovery @Mahesh Chapalamadugu PR-326 Review the PR and the new idea to keep GET/edgecloudzones in EAM

  1. Application Endpoint Discovery PR-337 Still pending to solve Deepakโ€™s comment. MegaLinter??

  1. Edge Application Management @Sergi Alonso is going to open a new PR trying to solve the PR-316 and PR-333

  1. New API Application Endpoint RegistrationPR-321 @Mahesh Chapalamadugu Still pending comments to answer

  1. Traffic Influence Created the new repository for TI, https://github.com/camaraproject/TrafficInfluence , pending to crรฉate a new PR and move the information to this repository

  1. AOB

Topic 1

  • Comments

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