2025-03-18 EdgeCloud Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Jose Conde @Ben Hepworth @Thomas Vits @Alvaro Fernandez Garrido @ALI IQBAL @Sergi Alonso @deepak gunjal
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
Antitrust Policy
Simple Edge Discovery
Optimal Edge Discovery
Application Endpoint Discovery
Edge Application Management
New API Application Endpoint Registration
Traffic Influence
Simple Edge Discovery-->No News
Optimal Edge Discovery @Mahesh Chapalamadugu PR-326 Review the PR and the new idea to keep GET/edgecloudzones in EAM
Application Endpoint Discovery PR-337 Still pending to solve Deepakโs comment. MegaLinter??
Edge Application Management @Sergi Alonso is going to open a new PR trying to solve the PR-316 and PR-333
New API Application Endpoint RegistrationPR-321 @Mahesh Chapalamadugu Still pending comments to answer
Traffic Influence Created the new repository for TI, https://github.com/camaraproject/TrafficInfluence , pending to crรฉate a new PR and move the information to this repository
Topic 1