2023-12-20 - sp-connectivity Minutes

2023-12-20 - sp-connectivity Minutes

Attendees & Representation

Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance

LF Staff:








@Mahesh Chapalamadugu

ย Verizon Wireless, 5GFF (Chair)


@Syed Rehman

ย Verizon Wireless


@Kevin Smithย 

Vodafone (Minutes)


Santhi Dharmapalan

ย Verizon Wireless



The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Action Items Review

  • General Topics

    • ย Pull requests

  • Any Other Topics


Action items review

  • Mahesh Chapalamadugu ย to align the Connectivity Insights API spec with commonalities guidelines. 17 Jan 2024 Reassigned to Kevin

  • Kevin Smith ย to clarify if a need for consent (or a check for consent-needed) is determined by the sub-project or other body in CAMARA. 10 Jan 2024 DONE,ย we follow Identity & Consent SG guidance.

General topics

  • Pull requests

    • Open:ย 

      • #16 updated documentation to include User Story and API readiness checklist Mahesh has seen the comments and is working on them

      • #19 Create Megalinter merged during call

      Merged since last call: #7 , #8, #10, #11, 15

  • Issues

    • Open:

      • #17 Event subscription and notifications should be aligned with API Design Guidelines assigned to Kevin

      • #18 Alignment with API design guidelines: add linter fixed by #19 (now merged)

  • Discussions

    • Completed actions were confirmed:

      IN PROGRESS Kevin to clarify if a need for consent (or a check for consent-needed) is determined by the sub-project or other body in CAMARA.

      Guidance from commonalities is to include a security component but with an empty scope until this is clarified.

    • Issues: see discussion and resolution in 'Issues' section above.

    • Question: can megalinter be run outside Github (as a precheck)?

    • Labels added to issues and PRs: 0-2-0-wip and 0-3-0-wip. These indicate the target version for the issue/PR (i.e. 'this issue is intended to be fixed in 0-3-0-wip', 'this PR is to create the 0-3-0-wip version' )

  • AOB

    • none

Action items

@Kevin Smith ย to check if megalinter can be run outside Github as a pre-check
@Kevin Smith to align the Connectivity Insights API spec with commonalities guidelines, following results of local Spectral output

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