2024-06-05 - sp-connectivity-minutes
Community Attendees:
@Kevin Smith @Rafal Artych @Máté Tamás Walthier @Syed Rehman Medha Joshi
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
Antitrust Policy
Action Items Review
Agenda 1
Agenda 2
Topic 1
Implementation discussion (Medha) how the network can derive connectivity insights information across various core network generations (5G Core, 4G Core) and relation to CDRs (Customer Data Records)
Máté described Ericsson's approach: We collect performance monitoring events from the UPF node and relate these measurements to IMSI and Slice. The pre-commercial implementation is now available and tested in lab networks.
Open issues
#34, explicit Subscriptions
can be closed, will be met by fixing #42
#36, Commonalities
will be met when Commonalities 0.4 released later in June
#37, Application of Linting Rules
Kevin to fix
#39, Path names
in PR #40
#42, Subscriptions alignment with Commonalities
Kevin to follow recommendation in issue comment from bigludo
Open PRs
#40, Update to paths in YAML
Discussion on the basic 'network info' (MNO name, bearer, Wi-Fi vs cellular)
has been requested by developers in the past
could be used to verify that the connection is on a particular operator, and if connection is an MVNO
Under discussion in API backlog #21, 'Device Quality Indicator'
Kevin to ask TSC which API should expose this info and confirm the user story (i.e. why is it useful, is it for aggregators, relationship to Telco Finder)
Discussion on whether the API is device specific or application specific
currently the answer does not take into account the identity of the application - only its network requirements
the 'generic' question is 'can you meet these network demands'? (this is device specific)
the 'specific' question is 'can you meet the network demands for a specific application (this is device AND application specific)