October Monthly All Hands Status Updates

General Updates

New Participants

  • 1147 people from 402 companies have joined CAMARA

  • 1751 people and 370 companies are in (first) talks

  • Logos see landscape

  • New General Member

    • n/a

  • New Participating Organizations

    • Lytn

    • M1

    • Plusmo

    • Pryvx

Updated: Oct 7, 2024 

@Markus Kümmerle 

Fund Updates

  • EasyCLA deployed

    • If you’re not set up on EasyCLA yet, make sure you do a test PR in the GitHub EasyCLA repo.

    • Report issues to support@camaraproject.org

  • Wiki migration to Atlassian Cloud

    • If you are having trouble logging in or editing the wiki, please contact support@camaraproject.org

Updated Oct 7, 2024 

@Casey Cain @Evan Harrison 

  • TSC Election 2024 has been started, currently nomination phase until October 18th. Eligible for nomination and voting are Maintainers of Sub Projects and Working Groups (10 “Sub Project Representatives”) and End User Council (3 “End User Representatives”). More information on TSC Election Overview.

  • Introduction of approach for (new) API Repositories with Sandbox / Incubated / Graduated with three stages of maturity agreed, draft PR to change Project Charter and ProjectStructuresAndRoles in work.

  • API Backlog 

    • TSC approved DedicatedNetworks and CustomerInsights (originally proposed under the name “Telco Index”) as new API repositories

    • Repository QualityByDesign created (as approved in TSC 2024-09-05) as part of ConnectivityInsights Sub Project.

  • Commonalities

  • Identity & Consent Management (ICM)

  • Release Management

    • Spring25

      • M0: Spring25 meta-release kickoff declared by TSC on October 3rd.

      • M1: Exception decided that it is sufficient to have PRs with the important changes ready by M1.

    • Fall24

      • M5 delivered on time (2024-09-15) for announcements in many public events in September

      • M6: see Release Management report below.

Updated Oct 10, 2024

@Herbert Damker 

  • Review of updates from recent board meeting:

  • https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SvPwCfrRBFyUW1Wed2AP3l7W4BtTJYGDSQGO5QizZ0U/edit#slide=id.g309fa4eda6a_0_0

Additional updates:

Updated: Oct 10, 2024 

@Markus Kümmerle 

@Jill Lovato

  • Meta-release Fall24

    • M5 - Fall24 meta-release publication: delivered on time on 2024-09-15

    • M6 - Feedback integration ongoing - preparation of r2.1 of the RM process for 2024-10-31 with main updates e.g.

      • improvements on the API release tracker

      • updates on the patch release process

      • introduction of release numbering for Commonalities, ICM and Release Management to be able to separate from versioning their documentation.

  • Meta-release Spring25

    • M0 - Spring25 meta-release kick-off declared by TSC on 2024-10-03.

    • M1 - delayed by 2 weeks to 2024-10-31 due to delay impacts from Fall24.

      • Exception: Commonalities and ICM will not yet have their pre-release ready but will produce PRs for the M1 date. The actual M1 pre-release as soon as possible after that.

      • From 2024-10-15 for critical PRs, and from M1 for other PRs, Sub Project teams are asked to review (and comment) the PRs.

  • Supporting documentation (for reference)

Updated: Oct 10, 2024 

@Tanja de Groot 

Updated: Oct 10, 2024 

@Rafal Artych 

  • Documents

    • Live table for API backlog available here. Stable version.

    • Accepted API proposals stored here

  • New Issues

  • Discussion

    • OGW Drop #4 APIs:  #35 (5G New Calling),  #50 (Device Management), #63 (IMEI Fraud), #91 (Fixed lines in Device Location APIs), #93 (Line Eligibility for Carrier Billing API) 

    • Other APIs:  #17 (Consent and Measurement),  #23 (Carrier Wholesale Pricing),  #24 (Steering of Roaming Information), #89 (IP High-throughput Elastic Network) 

    • Governance: #4 (Structures and roles, RACI, Maintainers initiative)

  • PRs

  • Announcements

    • Backlog meeting duration will be extended from 1 to 1:30:

      1. 2nd Thursday of the month (10-11:30 CET)

      2. 4th Thursday of the month (15-16:30 CET)

    • Changes in the way of approving new API proposals are under review, following sandbox approach.

    • Closing issues being treated in the TSC:

      • #20 (Best Interconnection), #22 (Capability and Runtime Restrictions), #18 (Receive SMS),  #54 (Number Recycling), #70 (Quality by Design), #34 (Shutdown Service Status), #41 (Telco Scoring), #60 (Dedicated Networks), #66 (network Info), #68 (Consent URL),

    • Proposals to be discussed in next TSC: 

      • Consent URL (#68)

      • Model As A service (LLM proposal) (#83)

      • Capability and Runtime Restrictions API (#22)

    • Info: New repositories created for DedicatedNetwork 60, CustomerInsight 41, QualityByDesign 70

Updated: Oct 10, 2024 

@Jorge Garcia Hospital

Updated: Oct 10, 2024 

@Axel Nennker 




Current status / Achievements

API Definition


Working in next release: v0.2.0-wip

  • No additional Business Requirements so far.

API doc/user stories/testcases



Full API documentation pending to be consolidated under API Spec

Use Cases - First version available



Not yet

API Reviews and extensions


Next Steps

  • Release a new version following CAMARA Commonalities in the context of MetaRelease Spring 25

  • Work on pending Issues to find a solution

- Issue #16 - Discussion about consent management considerations in retrieval of blockchain public addresses ON-HOLD

- Issue #51 - Avoiding the use of "plain" phoneNumber as filter criteria of blockchain retrieval

- Issue #52 - Enhancement of blockchainPublicAddress belongs to the user whose phoneNumber is indicated to set-up the binding relationship



Updated: Oct 8, 2024 

@Pedro Díez García 




Current status / Achievements

API Definition


Released and approved the public release v0.2.0 

The API has completed the Fall24 review and reached Fall24 M4.

Release tag: r1.3

Next Steps: creation of a Stable version (Next Steps · camaraproject/CallForwardingSignal · Discussion #107 (github.com))

API doc/user stories/testcases


User Story and Documentation released. Readiness Checklist completed. Changelog. md file completed. Test Cases for the two endpoints released. YAML v0.2.0.



NA (Optional according to CAMARA Readiness Checklist)

API Reviews and extensions





Updated: Oct 7, 2024 

@fabrizio moggio 




Current status / Achievements

API Definition


M5 milestone achieved - Metarelease Fall24
API specs:

  • Carrier Billing (v0.3.0) - r1.2

  • Carrier Billing Refund (v0.1.0) - r1.2

API doc/user stories/testcases


Use Cases aligned with Release r1.2.



Not yet

API Reviews and extensions


Open Issues, listed here.

Next steps are to decide about next functionalities prioritization



Updated: Oct 8, 2024 

@Pedro Díez García 




Current status / Achievements

API Definition


Repository, Mailing list have been set up. 

API Definition - Draft version available

Subsequent modifications and improvements will be made.

API doc/user stories/testcases


API doc - First version contributed

TBD part will be added in next version.

Use Cases - First version available

TBD part will be added in next version, format needs to be adjusted.


Test Cases - Work in progress



No implementation available yet

API Reviews and extensions





Updated: Jun 13, 2024 






Current status / Achievements

API Definition


Public release of r1.2 of Connectivity Insights now available which includes 3 APIs:

  • Connectivity Insights v0.4.0

  • Connectivity Insights Subscriptions v0.4.0

  • Application Profile v0.3.0

API doc/user stories/testcases


Documentation is now available as part of the yaml

user stories available.

test cases available for each of the API. 



Not Yet

API Reviews and extensions


Open Issues:



Updated: Sep 11, 2024 

@Mahesh Chapalamadugu 


Updated: Oct 10, 2024 

(initial entry added by @Herbert Damker) @Pedro Díez García


Updated: Oct 10, 2024 

(initial entry added by @Herbert Damker) @Thorsten Lohmar


Updated: Oct 9, 2024 

@Eric Murray 


Updated: Oct 8, 2024 

@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo 


Updated: Oct 10, 2024

@Akos Hunyadi

@Rafal Artych  



Updated: Oct 9, 2024 

@Ludovic Robert



Updated: Aug 5, 2024 



Updated: Sep 10, 2024 

@Jesús Peña García-Oliva 


Updated: Oct 8, 2024 

 @Toshi Wakayama 


Updated: Jul 8, 2024 

@Fan Yang @Fernando Prado Cabrillo 


Updated: Oct 9, 2024 

@Christopher Aubut @Randy Levensalor 


Updated: Jun 13, 2024 

@Shuting Qing 

Updated: Oct 9, 2024 

@Ludovic Robert


Updated: Oct 9, 2024 

@Ludovic Robert



Updated: Sep 11, 2024 

@Jorge Garcia Hospital 


Updated: Oct 10, 2024 

@Ben Hepworth


Updated: Oct 10, 2024 

@Herbert Damker 


Updated: Jun 13, 2024 

@Fan Yang 


Updated: Jul 10, 2024 

@Ramit Chawla


Updated: Jun 13, 2024 

@Kevin Smith 


Updated: Oct 9, 2024 

@Ludovic Robert


Updated: Sep 12, 2024 

@Dan Xu


Updated: Sep 12, 2024 

@Dan Xu

Updated: Oct 8, 2024

 @Santiago Troncoso