2024-01-09: SP-EDC Minutes
Attendees & Representation
Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance
LF Staff:
Name | Organisation | Present? |
Cristina Santana Casillas | Telefónica |
Rafal Artych | DT | x |
Sergio Francisco Ortiz (Chair) | Telefónica | x |
Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez | Telefónica | x |
Jhon Javier Lozal Luco | Telefónica |
Fabrizio Moggio | Telecom Italia Mobile | x |
Kevin Xu | 5GFF/Verizon Wireless |
Leo Chely | Cabellabs |
Deepak Gunjal | Cap Gemini | x |
Babu Narayan | Nabstract |
Vaibhav Mehta | Nabstract |
Uwe Rauschenbach | Nokia |
Nicola Cadenelli | Nearby Computing |
Randy Levensalor | Cablelabs |
Tom Van Pelt | GSMA | x |
Thomas Vits | EdgeXR | x |
Kevin Smith (minutes, aka 'Kev') | 5GFF/Vodafone | x |
Joshua Peng | JC Drawn Mobile |
Mourad Khanfouci |
| x |
Mark Cornall | GSMA |
Andrew Wajs |
| x |
The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF. |
Roll Call
Action Items Review
Agenda Bashing
General Topics
Issue 140: Cleaning status of auxiliary branches:
Kev to chase up Markus as it appears site owner privileges may be required to remove releases.
Issue 163: Harmonization of concepts/items among Simple Edge Discovery/MVP/Traffic Influence
no decision. Discussion to continue on the issue page. Recommended to assess the Linux Foundation Edge terminology, https://stateoftheedge.com/project/glossary/ for guidance. Following decision we will align with Commonalities Glossary
Issue 164: TI and MVP API - Harmonization of common entities
agreed, Fabrizio will update according to the suggestion
Continuation on discussion PR159 With User stories
no decision. Discussions on:
- need to clarfiy calling the Discovery API from UE vs application server
as regards OAUTH flow (ACTION: Kev to investigate)
Minor changes on MVP EdgeCloud_LcM after approval of (PR 154)
Any Other Topics
Action Item Review