2024-06-11 EC Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Cristina Santana@Jhon Javier Loza Lluco @Jose Conde @Laura Martín @Gerasimos Papanikolaou @Kevin Smith @Pablo.Montes @Mahesh Chapalamadugu
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
Antitrust Policy
API Current Situation
Edge Cloud Repository Maintenance
Other topics
1.Edge Cloud Family.
Conclusion for UE Identifier (Device Object) according to commonalities. This Device Object will be common across Edge Cloud API Family
Commonalities v.0.4.0 are expected to be released in two weeks so we can use it for guidance. A new option to identify the UE/Device will be proposed: Access Token. "So both options are possible to identify the device (directly in the API call, or in the 3-legged Access Token PPID)"
In Commonalities PR 233 NetworkAccessIdentifier will be removed from Device Object
According to the new updates, Traffic Influence, Simple Edge Discovery and Application Endpoint Discovery will be updated.
E2E Use case/User Story first draft based on Discussion 206 to be contributed by TEF. The overview of the proposal is in CAMARA API Family User Story 11th June.pptx and the PR will be created during this week so everybody can review it.
2.Traffic Influence.
PR 249 Rel 0.9.5 merged (Device parameter updated and Device Source IP Port added).
New suggestions have been made for this API in PR 249
3.Edge Application Management.
Pending to update User Story.
New contributions have been provided to improve the API.
Luis Velarde will create a new PR to update the Resources Object
Discussion regarding EWBI harmonization
Parameters that already exist in the EWBI yaml and are required for any of the Edge Cloud APIs can be added. New parameter definitions in the Edge Cloud APIs can be submitted to the GSMA OPAG once the relevant API has an official version in CAMARA.
4.Simple Edge Discovery.
No updates
5.Application Endpoint Discovery.
PR 245 updated with the comments and ready to merge.
Next Steps:
Upload User Story
Update according commonalities v0.4.0
Add app multi-endpoints capability