2024-10-29 EdgeCloud Minutes

2024-10-29 EdgeCloud Minutes

Community Attendees:

@Jose Conde@Ben Hepworth @Mahesh Chapalamadugu @deepak gunjal @Kevin Smith @Thomas Vits @Yoav Gressel @Dimitrios Laskaratos

Community Attendees:

@Rafal Artych

LF Staff:


Antitrust Policy

  1. Edge Dicovery Services API

  1. Update Edge Application Mangementย API

  1. TI API Planning

  1. AOB


  • Analyze the new functionalities added to the existing APIs.

  • Separate the discovery function from the EAM API.

Action items

@Mahesh Chapalamadugu Create the PRs to combine the existing APIs with the new capabilities that Edge Discovery Service brings.

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