November 2023 All Hands Minutes
Attendees & Representation
Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance
LF Staff: @Casey Cain @Evan Harrison Pano Xinos
Community: @Herbert Damker, @Ludovic Robert,ย Ajeet Chauhan,ย Ali Tizghadam,ย Andres Zoque,ย Andrew Wajs,ย Anh Le,ย Ashutosh Sharan,ย @Bart van Kaathoven,ย Bas Gijzen, Caleb (no last name on Zoom),ย Efthymios Isaakidis,ย Emanuele,ย Gerardo Rodriguez,ย Gillies Renoux,ย Jan Friman, Jie Hu,ย Kevin Howe-Patterson,ย Kevin Smith,ย @Kwok-Onn Looi,ย Lyle Bertz,ย Mahesh Chapalamadugu,ย @Manoj Nair,ย @Ming Hui Foo, Michael Brown, Murat Karabulut, Nathan Rader, Nick Otterpilot, Owen Fan, Parry Booker, Pavel Zvezdin, Sandra Ondrusova, Santiago Troncoso, @Former user (Deleted), Tet (Tetsuya) Chiba, Tim Kittel, Toshi Wakayama, Umair Ali Rashid, Vaibhav Mehta, Victor Lu
We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF. |
Roll Call
Action Items Review
Agenda Bashing
General Topics
Any Other Topics
Action Item Review
TSC Updates
@Herbert Damker provided TSC updates
Noted that the wiki will be the primary method for recording minutes
If you would like to participate in the release, please subscribe to the mailing list at
Herbert also briefly spoke about the new API proposals for Connectivity Insights and Site to Cloud.
Sub Project Updates
How do subprojects get setup in Zoom?
Please send an email to Casey or Evan and we can set the meeting up in PCC.
Send out an email to all subproject leads stating that Casey and Evan can setup their meetings in PCC and on Zoom.
DeviceIdentifier is almost finalized.
Scope definitions and security scheme under review
Stable version 1 of available
RC includes new APIs for location-verification, location-retrieval, and geofencing.
Stabel version v.0.4.1
More information available on the EdgeCloud Call next Tues
Identity & Consent
Work in progress
Team is meeting regularly on Tuesday
Working towards 0.10 version
RC is dependent on PR #224, #216, #218
Most are already in final review
Scheduling meetings for Monday
First PR under review
5 new proposals from Open Gateway
KYC Age Verfication, RegtionUserCount, Device Visit Location, Dynamic People Density Information, Home Location Verification
2 new proposals from Site to Cloud and Networking Slicing
Currently working backlog cleanup
Casey spoke about some of the details of the Individual Dashboard and the Wiki
Casey to prepare additional meetings to help onboard the community.