2024-02-15 TSC Minutes
Attendees & Representation
TSC Members may indicate their attendance by marking an X in the column to the right.
Community members may use @name tag to mark their attendance below the table.
Representative | Organization | Role |
Herbert Damker | Deutsche Telekom AG | TSC Chair, Active Maintainer | x |
Shilpa Padgaonkar | Deutsche Telekom AG | Active Maintainer | x |
Jan Friman | Ericsson | Active Maintainer | x |
Toshi (Toshiyasu) Wakayama | KDDI | Active Maintainer | x |
Ludovic Robert | Orange | TSC Deputy Chair, Active Maintainer | x |
Adnan Saleem | Radisys | EUC Representative | x |
Doug Makishima | Summit Tech | EUC Representative | x |
Diego González Martínez | Telefonica | Active Maintainer | x |
Jose Luis Urien | Telefónica | Active Maintainer | x |
Mahesh Chapalamadugu | Verizon | EUC Representative | x |
Eric Murray | Vodafone | TSC Deputy Chair | x |
Kevin Smith | Vodafone | Active Maintainer | x |
Chris Howell | Vonage | Active Maintainer | x |
George Glass | TM Forum | TM Form Representative |
Henry Calvert | GSMA | GSMA Representative | x |
LF Staff: @Casey Cain @Evan Harrison
@Pierre Close @adriano.poloni @Rafal Artych @joseantonio.ordonezlucena @Lazar Bulic@Tanja de Groot @Gervais-Martial Ngueko @Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram
The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.
Agenda Bashing
General Topics
CAMARA project updates
API Backlog
Identity & Consent Management
Release Management
Specific topics
5GFF Bi-Directional APIs white paper
GSMA certification of CAMARA APIs
Any Other Topics
Next Meeting
Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
Action Item Review
CAMARA Project Updates
MWC Barcelona activities of CAMARA (@Markus Kümmerle @Jill Lovato tbc)
Update by Markus
Press release:
one for CAMARA to show success cases by LF
MoU with Automotive Edge Computing Consortium (https://aecc.org)
Monday meet & greet to see each other in face to face
Tuesday in the evening sponsored by RedHat & Telefonica - please register as attendance is limited (link sent) - open for press & analysts
CAMARA is part of the open gateway DevCon conference (Wednesday 3:55 pm for 10 minutes)
Looking forward to see all of you !
Slack discussion also open to coordinate meetings
Status of EasyCLA introduction (@Casey Cain tbc)
EasyCLA kick off should be Feb 26th - is this okay?
Only SpryFox & Telefonica have white-listed their domain. Casey recommends to white-list domain to all companies involved as it is much more easier.
Tanja cannot whitelist due to company restrictions. Casey confirms that Nokia can proceed just with individual registrations.
Toshi requested delaying the kick off date of the 26th
Collision with MWC could be an issue - moving the kick-off to March 11.
If you have more questions about CLA please attend the office hours as Casey will be able to answer all questions.
Eric mentioned that he whitelisted vodafone.com
Casey provided links
LFX Insights | Enhance data-driven collaboration management (linuxfoundation.org) to check LF project status
https://docs.linuxfoundation.org/v2/easycla/corporate-cla-managers CLA Managers
Open Office Hours for Feb 21, 2024 17:00 CEST / 08:00 Pacific Register here
API Backlog (@joseantonio.ordonezlucena )
Update on important topics and request of actions
Ricardo Serrano (TEF) will take over chairperson role of backlog WG from now on.
THANKS to José for the work done (Kudos !)
No formal procedure done for this switch
TSC members which are active in API Backlog agreed with this change
No new API proposal for approval
New sub project created as approved in previous meeting: https://github.com/camaraproject/CallForwardingSignal
First meeting will be March 5th
Commonalities (@Rafal Artych )
Update on important topics and request of actions
Release 0.3.0 done - see CHANGELOG for details
TSC recommendation on using linting rules in subproject repositories
Mail to all mailing list from commonalities to encourage adopting linting rules tooling (as it is documented)
Error response format - Issue #133
As this is a breaking change and a left or right decision we need feedback from the community
Need to have a time to stop the discussion (and eventually go to TSC vote).
Diego highlighted the point about requirement for introducing breaking change policies.
Herbert proposed that we use next TSC to go on detail on this topic before to go vote (if required) for next TSC
José Luis required that we have a clear proposal with both options
Rafal: We can do this in next Commonalities meetings.
Refinement of Event subscription: Issue #140 (
), PR #131 (subscriptionMaxEvents)
Identity & Consent Management ( @diego.gonzalezmartinez @Axel Nennker )
Discussion ongoing about best format for OIDC Profile. Two proposals exist for the format:
If it's still open early March it will probably need to be discussed/voted at TSC level.
In parallel to this format discussion, work on the content are progressing
Release Management (@Samuel Adeyemo @Marouane Balmakhtar )
Update on important topics and request of actions
Work on release process started (see Meta-release Milestones)
Proposal for milestones (derived from LF training material)
Work on the consolidated list of issues regarding release management (https://github.com/camaraproject/ReleaseManagement/issues/9)
Weekly working group meetings (see Minutes - Release WG)
5GFF Bi-Directional APIs white paper (@Mahesh Chapalamadugu )
Introduction into and discussion of "Bi-Directional APIs" white paper
See message https://lists.camaraproject.org/g/tsc/message/131 and attached paper for prereading
Will be revisited after MWC
GSMA certification of CAMARA APIs (@Mark Cornall )
postponed to a later meeting
Any Other Topic
Next Meeting
Next TSC Meeting will be on March 7th, 10:00 CET / 09:00 UTC / 01:00 PT
Specific agenda topics:
GSMA Certification progress & discussion