2024-09-10 Device Location - Meeting Minutes

2024-09-10 Device Location - Meeting Minutes


Sep 10, 2024

Attendees & Representation

Community: @Ludovic Robert @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Joachim Dahlgren @Cetin Alpaycetin @Akos Hunyadi @Rafal Artych @Fernando Prado Cabrillo @Javier Carro ย 


Antitrust Policy


Meta release (Fall24)


  • M3 by July 21st

    • Done (r1.1 created on 2024-08-09)

  • M4 Milestone (Public releases) - next steps and dates (from TSC minutes)

    • August 26th (M4 release PRs available): Sub Projects should have prepared the release PRs for the public API version(s), including the release notes in CHANGELOG.md which are reflecting all changes since the last public release. Invite camaraproject/release-management_maintainers for review, don't merge before have the approval

    • August 30th (M4 date): all outstanding PRs merged which have to done before the creation of the public release (e.g. test definition files)

    • September 5th (Approval of M4): all release PRs of Sub Project reviewed by Release Management, final approval of the Fall24 participating API releases within the TSC.

Any other topic not related to Fall24?

Action items

Cleaning to be done for the issue(s) related to the meta release.

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