2024-08-22 TSC Minutes


Attendees & Representation

TSC Members may indicate their attendance by marking an X in the column to the right.

Community members may use @name tag to mark their attendance below the table.ย 









@Herbert Damkerย 

Deutsche Telekom AG

TSC Chair, Active Maintainer


@Shilpa Padgaonkar

Deutsche Telekom AG

Active Maintainer


@Jan Frimanย 


Active Maintainer


@Toshi Wakayama


Active Maintainer


@Ludovic Robertย 


TSC Deputy Chair, Active Maintainer


@Adnan Saleemย 


EUC Representative


@Doug Makishimaย 

Summit Tech

EUC Representative




Active Maintainer


@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo


Active Maintainer


@Mahesh Chapalamadugu


EUC Representative


@Eric Murrayย 


TSC Deputy Chair


@Kevin Smithย 


Active Maintainer


@Chris Howellย 


Active Maintainer


George Glass

TM Forum

TM Forum Representative


@Olta Vangjeliย 

TM Forum

TM Forum Representative


@Henry Calvertย 


GSMA Representative


@Mark Cornallย 


GSMA Representative


LF Staff: @Rafal Artych @Axel Nennker @G. Murat Karabulut @Nick Venezia Patricia Serrano @Jorge Garcia Hospitalย 

Community: @Casey Cainย 


The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Review and approval of previous meeting minutes

  • Action Items Review

  • General Topics

    • Governance & project management issues

    • Commonalities

    • Identity & Consent Management

    • Release Management

    • API Backlog

  • Specific Topics

    • Update on Sandbox/Incubated/Graduated proposal

  • Any Other Topics


Review and approval of previous meeting minutes

Action Item Review

  • See home page Technical Steering Committee

    • Information about the migration of the Wiki into the Atlassion Cloud has been communicated during the meeting (thanksย @Casey Cain )

Governance & Project Management issues

  • EasyCLA Introduction (@Casey Cain @Herbert Damker )

    • People from multiple companies have done successful test PRs on https://github.com/camaraproject/EasyCLA

      • Including Deutsche Telekom, Orange, KDDI, Vodafone, Telefonica, T-Mobile

      • Please use the chance to ensure that you have a signed CLA before it will get activated on all repositories, by opening a short test PR here

      • In case of any problem reach out to @Casey Cainย 

      • Activation on September 2nd (according to last TSC)

        • @Casey Cain will be available if support is required

  • Release announcement will be prepared by Marketing Working Group in cooperation with Release Management working group

    • There will be a Press Release, an announcement within the keynote of Arpit Joshipura, and slides about the Meta Release within the CAMARA presentation

Commonalities (@Rafal Artych )

Identity & Consent Managementย  (@Axel Nennker )

  • Release r0.2.0-rc.2 as second release candidate with bug fixes created on August 1st

    • Change of mandatory text has been addressed across all API release candidates

    • No further changes since then

  • Pull request for public release to be approved today: IdentityAndConsentManagement/pull/192

  • An issue is open to discuss the scope of the next version - scope should be closed for Sep 30, 2024ย 

Release Management (Initial content byย @Herbert Damker on behalf )

  • Meta-release Fall24 - CAMARA Project - Confluence

    • M3 Milestone (release candidate of APIs) achieved for 21 APIs (as of August 21st)

    • M4 Milestone (Public releases) - next steps and dates

      • August 26th (M4 release PRs available): Sub Projects should have prepared the release PRs for the public API version(s), including the release notes in CHANGELOG.md which are reflecting all changes since the last public release. Invite camaraproject/release-management_maintainers for review, don't merge before have the approval

        • If there are outstanding PRs (e.g. with test definition files) anticipate them and add remark within the release PR description that these have to be merged before

      • August 30th (M4 date): all outstanding PRs merged which have to done before the creation of the public release (e.g. test definition files)

      • September 5th (Approval of M4): all release PRs of Sub Project reviewed by Release Management, final approval of the Fall24 participating API releases within the TSC.

    • M5 Milestone: all release PRs merged and public releases created.

    • After M5 we have a retrospective time to collect team feedback - Do not hesitate to already create issue to log comments/ideas

  • Next release cycle ("Spring25") starts at September 30th (M0 - Kickoff)

API Backlog (@Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez )

  • New repositories still to be created (by CAMARA Admins, not yet done):

    • Device Quality Indicator (Sub Project DeviceStatus)

    • Device Data Volume (Sub Project DeviceStatus)

  • New proposal approved by API Backlog Working Groupย 

Update on Sandbox/Incubated/Graduated proposal (@Herbert Damker )

  • New proposal for the lifecycle of API Repositories

    • Issue in Governance to comment: https://github.com/camaraproject/Governance/issues/159

    • Detailed proposal within Wiki: https://lf-camaraproject.atlassian.net/wiki/x/sive

      • @Jorge Garcia Hospital Question about process - What are the rules to evolve from Sandbox to Incubated and then Graduated

        • Be sure an api did not get 'stuck' in Sandbox stage for example

      • Herbert will take a look on this proposal and see how it reflect with our current API proposal

      • @Eric Murray Question about github visibility for the api 'stage'

        • Not easy - Could be in a README on the organization level

        • @Casey Cain is working on this topic, reported that beside a README the use of 'topics' (kind of labels), filters on them and links to the filtered lists are the main options

      • ย  Herbert requested comment on the proposal, especially the criteria for incubation, for next TSC on the Confluence page or within the issue.

Any Other Business

Next Meeting

  • Next TSC Meeting would be on September 5thย at 10:00 CEST / 08:00 UTC / 01:00 PST

    • For those TSC participants being on the OGW F2F meeting, there is a small room reserved at the venue, please contact @Herbert Damkerย 

  • Specific agenda topics backlog:

Action items

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