2025-02-13 All Hands Minutes
@Community Attendees:
@Ali Zaman @Kevin Smith @Eric Murray @Santiago Troncoso @G. Murat Karabulut @Reda.Zaza @Herbert Damker @Pedro Dรญez Garcรญa @Alicia Miller @Mark Cornall @Nick Venezia @Stefano Falsetto @Thorsten Lohmar @Zofia Fratczak @Surajj Jaggernath @Tom Tofigh @Tony Spooner @Andre Schlufter @Richard Woundy
Community Attendees:
@Markus Kรผmmerle @Stefano Falsetto @Axel Nennker @Toshi Wakayama @Rafal Artych @ALI IQBAL @Ben Hepworth @Matt.Fredrickson @Jan Friman @Gilles Renoux @Bart van Kaathoven @Adnan Saleem @Alberto Ramos Monaga @hakki toran @Priyanka Shah @Alberto Ramos Monaga P @Patrick Bolinger
LF Staff:
@Casey Cain @Evan Harrison @Jill Lovato
Antitrust Policy
Action Items Review
Technical Steering Committee
Two TSC meetings since last AHC: 2025-01-16 TSC Minutes 2025-02-06 TSC Minutes
Introduction of Sandbox/Incubated/Graduated approach:
Work on new interim version of Onboarding.md: https://github.com/camaraproject/Governance/pull/171
First round of incubation: Fall24 release participants are โIncubation Candidatesโ - incubation decisions will be taken by TSC
For CallForwardingSignal, DeviceLocation, DeviceStatus, SimpleEdgeDiscovery, NumberVerification, OTPValidation, SimSwap, KnowYourCustomer, QualityOnDemand within an ongoing vote (due Friday, February 14th)
For CarrierBilingCheckOut, ConnectivityInsights, HomeDeviceQoD, PopulationDensityData the TSC asked the API Backlog Working Group to pre-check the remaining open points regarding existing implementations
Proposed Wiki Structure with Sandbox and Incubated API Repositories
was approved by TSC
See also https://github.com/camaraproject/Governance/issues/170
API Backlog
New repository QoSBooking approved, added to QualityOnDemand Sub Project
Update of way of working, e.g. see above PR with update of Onboarding.md documentation
Release Management
Intensive work on meta-release Spring25, majority of M3 releases done, some critical candidates, details see below
M4 milestone fix at February 28th, release PRs must be ready be complete and ready for review to ensure a proper meta-release. Announcement planned at Cloud-native Telco Day April 1st, co-located event of KubeCon EU in London)
r2.2 with release candidate for Spring25 (Commonalities 0.5.0) available since 2025-01-30
Identity & Consent Management (ICM)
r2.2 with release candidate for Spring25 (ICM 0.3.0) available since 2025-01-30
@Herbert Damker went over TSC updates which covered the new API incubated and sandbox repos and the wiki pages. Some APIs are independent sandboxes which means that they are individual and free on their own. There were also updates on the working groups for release management, commonalities, and idenity and consent management.
Marketing Updates
Marketing materials:
CAMARA Presentation and Onepager will be updated 1 week before MWC Barcelona to have the current view on APIs, Sub Projects and logos; new versions will be available on GitHub and Website
Marketing concept 2025 available on GitHub
MWC activities:
Share signage for members to use in their booth - available here: CAMARA @ MWC
PoD at GSMA booth Mon 8-12, Wed 15-19, Thu 8-12
Presentation at DevCon on 4 March 17:20
Reception hosted by Red Hat and Telefonica on 4 March 19:00- RSVP at this link: CAMARA Community Reception @ MWC, Hosted by Red Hat
KubeCon activities:
Presentation at 1 April (Cloud Native Telco Day)
CAMARA booth at KubeCon 2 April - 4 April
2025 planning: See list of events
Update for API descriptions in progess:
API table agreed between CAMARA and Open Gateway, available at CAMARA Website
Developer-friendly API descriptions, implemented as sub-pages of CAMARA website, replacing current Sub Project pages, linked in API table:
Sub Projects shall deliver content until 14 Feb
Review by OGW product workstream and CAMARA API Backlog Working Group until 21 Feb
Example: Device Identifier
Links to Wiki (Sub Project and API), GitHub repositories (API), API releases, GSMA public launch status page
Thx to LF creative team for the support!
@Markus Kรผmmerle provided the marketing updates which covered the upcoming CAMARA events. Currently obtaining the API descriptions and should be ready by MWC, Jill mentioned that this has been a large effort and that Markus has done a great job getting the descriptions from everyone.
Release Management
13 new APIs and 22 updated Fall24 APIs (of 25) are candidate for Spring25. Total of 35 APIs in 19 API repositories
Two Sub Projects decided to skip the Spring25 and go to Fall25:
dedicated-networks, as still under design
simple-edge-discovery which will take the time to do a redesign to better align with CAMARA guidelines.
Some APIs were moved to Sandbox APIs (APIs not yet in any meta-release)
M2 update
the public release PR of Commonalities has been presented for review
ICM public release PR will be there shortly.
these should include only documentation type of updates, not impacting API definitions.
M3 (2025-01-24 for PRs) - preparation of API release-candidates
All API repositories have presented their release PR for M3 and have been reviewed by the release management team.
To date:
13 API repositories (API release-candidates) have been released
6 API repositories are working on the review comments (see Issues ยท camaraproject/ReleaseManagement) and target their pre-release by this friday. Most are expected to make it into the Spring25 meta-release.
M4 / M5
Feb 28th and March 15th respectively - dates kept as planned.
All APIs that passed M3 should prepare the M4.
New stable APIs need to create and provide their test result statement
All documentation is here:ย Release Management Working Group
@Tanja de Groot provided an overview of the release management working group. By the next TSC call the 5 API repositories should complete the review process and move into the next stage.
Commonalities version 0.5.0-rc.1 published in release 2.2 on Jan 31, 2025 :
to help subprojects align to Commonalities
Corrections added by latest PRs (related to subscriptions and documentation) will be included in the public release (r2.3)
Issues review:
- no conclusion
- short time for review - possibly shift to March 2025 (to be ready for alpha release for Fall2025)
references in artifacts (like in #290) and other documents
- no feedback
- no consensus
New issues are welcome to prepare the scope for Fall25.
Public release of Commonalities 0.5.0 expected in week 7
@Rafal Artych provided an overview of the updates from the past month and there were no questions. The public release of Commonalities 0.5.0 should be ready by next week (02/17-02/21)
ICM 0.3.0 - preparing the scope for meta-release Spring25 #193
Public Release PR:https://github.com/camaraproject/IdentityAndConsentManagement/pull/269Consent URL API vs OIDC consent collection #224
ICM work item
New issue regarding consent in ICM Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA).
It seems that the flow as currently described is not GDPR compliant.
@Axel Nennker provided the updates for IdentityAndConsentManagement and there were no questions. The current use of CIBA is not following GDPR regulations, Axel asked everyone on the call to take a look and review.
Sub Project & Sandbox Updates
The sub projects codeowners provided their updates.
@Santiago Troncoso went more into depth for the WebRTC roadmap.
Topic 1