2025-03-13 All Hands Minutes

2025-03-13 All Hands Minutes

Community Attendees:

@Nick Venezia @Abhisek Das @ALI IQBAL @Ali Zaman @Alicia Miller @Bart van Kaathoven @Stefano Falsetto @G. Murat Karabulut @fabrizio moggio @Pierre Close

Community Attendees:

@Markus Kรผmmerle @Toshi Wakayama @Thorsten Lohmar @Eric Murray @Artur Krukowski @Herbert Damker

LF Staff:

@Casey Cain @Evan Harrison @Jill Lovato


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Status Updates

March 2025 All Hands Status Updates


Casey Cain review the CAMARA Fund updates. If you have any questions and run into any issues, please continue to reach out to support@camaraproject.org and the team will get back to shortly.

Herbert provided TSC updates and mentioned that if you have missed meetings, you can visit your profile on openprofile.dev and view the recording in detail. The newly incubating API repositories are: CallForwardingSignal, DeviceLocation, DeviceStatus, SimpleEdgeDiscovery, NumberVerification, OTPValidation, SimSwap, KnowYourCustomer, QualityOnDemand

There is a vote currently being held until March 14 for two new API repositories. If any questions with the repos and APIs, please reach out to Herbert and the TSC.

Markus provided the marketing updates. The one pager has been updated and can be viewed on the github and the CAMARA website. Recent events have been success and harbored great conversation. Shoutout to Nick Venezia and the demo that he provided at MWC. Kubecon is the next big CAMARA event, there will be a large presentation by CAMARA and we will have a booth. The website APIs descriptions continue to be updated, thank you to everyone who provided the information to update all the sub projects. If you are planning to be at Kubecon and help out at the booth, please reach out to Jill Lovato and Casey Cain, there are some passes available.

Tanja provided updates for release management. The group is making great progress, total of 35 APIs in 19 API repos for this spring release. For the Fall25 meta release, the teams will try to stick closer to the release dates.

Rafal provided updates for Commonalities. The public release for 0.5 was published in February. The team is prepping for the Fall25 release. The tooling repo has been setup and the objective will be to find the workflows and automation by all subjects. The group is open to finding more use cases for automation within the other sub projects.

API Backlog update was provided by Jorge. Jorge reviewed the current APIs that are being reviewed and have been approved. The team has been working on the incubated approach, and are working on reformatting the API documentation in the governance group. We have introduced API backlog trackers for the new repos that have been created, this will allow for easier management and tracking. Jorge urged the groups to take a look at the sub project descriptions to ensure accuracy. We welcome Eric Murray as a new maintainer for the backlog group.

Herbert provided a high level overview for IdentityAndConsentManagement.

The Sub Project leads provided their updates.

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