2023-11-16 TSC Minutes
Attendees & Representation
TSC Members may indicate their attendance by marking an X in the column to the right.
Community members may use @name tag to mark their attendance below the table.
Representative | Organization | Role | |
Herbert Damker | Deutsche Telekom AG | TSC Chair, Active Maintainer | x |
Shilpa Padgaonkar | Deutsche Telekom AG | Active Maintainer | |
Jan Friman | Ericsson | Active Maintainer | x |
Toshi (Toshiyasu) Wakayama | KDDI | Active Maintainer | x |
Ludovic Robert | Orange | TSC Deputy Chair, Active Maintainer | x |
Adnan Saleem | Radisys | EUC Representative | x |
Doug Makishima | Summit Tech | EUC Representative | x |
Diego González Martínez | Telefonica | Active Maintainer | x |
Jose Luis Urien | Telefónica | Active Maintainer | x |
Mahesh Chapalamadugu | Verizon | EUC Representative | x |
Eric Murray | Vodafone | TSC Deputy Chair | x |
Kevin Smith | Vodafone | Active Maintainer | x |
Chris Howell | Vonage | Active Maintainer | |
George Glass | TM Forum | TM Form Representative | x |
Henry Calvert | GSMA | GSMA Representative | x |
LF Staff: @Casey Cain @Evan Harrison Kenny Paul
Community: @Ming Hui Foo @tanja de Groot @Pierre Close @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram
Agenda Proposal
Roll Call
Action Items Review
Agenda Bashing
API Backlog
New proposal "KYC Age Verification"
Release Management (#82)
Commonalities - Updates?
Identity & Consent Management - Updates?
Open issues in https://github.com/camaraproject/Governance/issues
Antitrust Policy
The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF. |
Recording of this meeting can be found here.
Note: Meeting recordings can always be found by everyone at https://openprofile.dev/my-calendar and then clicking on the "Past Meetings" tab.
Action Item Review
API Backlog
New proposal "KYC Age Verification", see message https://lists.camaraproject.org/g/tsc/message/71
Discussions: (Ludovic) Work on this API will not begin before end of this year/early next year. Toshi welcome this addition for the subproject. Current API Match & Form are currently prioritized.
DECISION: Approved
Meetings of the API Backlog working group will be moved to be in between the TSC meetings (2nd and 4th week)
Release Management
New repository created: https://github.com/camaraproject/ReleaseManagement
Call for initial maintainers
José Luis Urien (TEF)
Issue will be open to get other maintainers
Transfer of issues
Transfer from Commonalities
Agreement on first call
First priorities for Release Management working group
Use Alpha/Beta pattern - see issue for details - we have several opinion so we need to discuss alternative
Training by LF is a priority Camara wide release
Status of Release Management training by LF? (@Casey Cain )
Doodle sent by Casey for date for a first (of 3) session of 50 minutes.
Ludovic: Do we want to have a wide release for MWC?
Casey indicates that we can speed up training by merging session
Henry - we should involve the CAMARA marketing team in particular for the deadline (for a PR). We're not early but not late
Herbert: This is both a technical & Marketing topic.
Diego: it is fine to have an early next year but we have to be careful that we could have gap between the implemented API version in demo and the API in this wide release.
Herbert: probably safer to have a wide release after the event
Henry : Anyway we have to keep the messages separably between what has been implemented in countries and CAMARA wide release.
Jan confirmed that the message has to be clear with what will be commercialized at this time.
Herbert: we should communicate more about where the API are available. There are probably other better opportunity like developer event to communicate about a wide CAMARA release.
Outcome of the discussion: Before end of the year we have to decide when we'll have a release - thanks to LF training - and then we'll sync with marketing team
Status of release v0.2.0?
Identity & Consent Management
Eric: CAMARA Profile for security scheme needs to be defined in order then to be generalized
Diego: TEF got AP from former TSC meeting in London to propose wording regarding security schemes (https://github.com/camaraproject/Governance/blob/main/documentation/MeetingMinutes/TSC/TSC-2023-10-19-Meeting-Minutes.md?plain=1#L96). Diego informs this has been included in this comment https://github.com/camaraproject/IdentityAndConsentManagement/issues/57#issuecomment-1813106499 and is open for discussion there
Open issues in https://github.com/camaraproject/Governance/issues
Define Release Management for CAMARA #82
See above
Transfer to Release Management repository
Change Working Groups into Sub Projects #84
Working Groups with own repository → "Sub Project" or still "Working Group"?
API Backlog
Commonalities WG (already in own repository)
Marketing Working group will become "Outreach Committee" below Governing Board (most probably hosted in wiki.camaraproject.com)
Process to publish v1.0 of an API #85
To be transferred into Release Management
Automate API design tests to ensure CAMARA compliance #95
To be transferred into Release Management
Housekeeping: Bring repo templates changes to all other repos #98
To be closed (PRs in sub projects created)
Provide a user-friendly snapshot for CAMARA users and developers #100
Currently: API_Backlog.md table (difficult to maintain), sub project repositories, web site (manual sync with README.md's of sub projects)
Easier to maintain - to be discussed with Evan & Casey
Check how we can retrieve the information from GitHub - Henry indicates that Daniel from his team has already crafted some code to get this information.
One source of truth?
Implement a Future-Proof Dynamic, Geolocation-Based User Consent Mechanism Compliant with Global Privacy Regulations #105
Stale issue? ... how to proceed with that?
Move this issue to Identity & Consent Management team and then solve/close this there
For info: ICM got a presentation from Nick Venezio Nov15th and documented here https://github.com/camaraproject/IdentityAndConsentManagement/blob/f650ec0db6f58f7b3a027d7cf574e8ea552d1d27/documentation/MeetingMinutes/MOM-2023-11-15.md
Clarify the relation and inter-working between TSC and Commonalities. #109
What is the expected outcome?
Jan highlight that current process between Commonalities to TSC and then back to Commonalities is not simple.
Herbert: We should not change this. First is always in Commonalities and then will reach TSC only with there is not consensus.
Diego: As of now we haven't go to this escalation
Jan: we can close this issue
Proposal to establish API Families as Working Groups across API Sub Projects #110
New issue based on presentation within last TSC
To be transferred into Release Management
Kevin: Add label to distinguish issues from TSC and from Gouvernance.