2024-11-07 TSC Minutes
Attendees & Representation
TSC Members may indicate their attendance with an X in the far column | |||
Representatives | Organization | Role |
@Herbert Damker | Deutsche Telekom AG | Maintainer | x |
@Shilpa Padgaonkar | Deutsche Telekom AG | Maintainer |
@Jan Friman | Ericsson | Maintainer | x |
@Toshi Wakayama | KDDI | Maintainer | x |
@Ludovic Robert | Orange | Maintainer | x |
@Tanja de Groot | Nokia | Maintainer, Release Manager | x |
@diego.gonzalezmartinez | Telefonica | Maintainer | x |
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo | Telefónica | Maintainer |
@Eric Murray | Vodafone | Maintainer | x |
@Mahesh Chapalamadugu | Verizon | Maintainer |
@Nick Venezia | EUC Representative |
| |
Massimiliano Troiani | Verizon | EUC Representative |
@Doug Makishima | Summit Tech | EUC Representative |
George Glass | TM Forum | TM Form Representative |
@Henry Calvert | GSMA | GSMA Representative | x |
Community members may use @name tag to mark their attendance
Community: @Pierre Close @Rafal Artych @Jorge Garcia Hospital @Axel Nennker @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram @Mark Cornall
LF Staff:
The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF. |
Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
General Topics
Governance & project management issues
API Backlog
Identity & Consent Management
Release Management
Specific Topics
GSMA OPAG “NBI realisation guidelines” (Christina Santana Casillas, OPAG Chair)
Any Other Topics
Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
Minutes of previous TSC meeting: 2024-10-17 TSC Minutes
No comments from the team.
Action Item Review
See home page Technical Steering Committee for current list of open action items
no open tasks
Governance & Project Management issues
TSC Election (@Casey Cain)
Results: See here: 2024 TSC Election - CAMARA Project - CAMARA Project (atlassian.net)
Chair & Co-Chair election: Nomination part. We could have 1 or 2 Co-Chair(s). Driven by @Casey Cain
CAMARA Marketing team (lead by @Markus Kümmerle ) is working with GSMA on API description, as currently on GSMA site, planned to be hosted on CAMARA website.
@Mark Cornall : New version of deployment map is available: http://open-gateway.gsma.com
Feedbacks on bug & developer link missing are Welcome !!
API Backlog (@Jorge Garcia Hospital @patricia.serranogonzalez@telefonica.com )
Repository for ModelAsAService created https://github.com/camaraproject/ModelAsAService, APs raised in Issue#1 Issue#2 to start activity.
No new API proposals brought to this TSC:
Capability and Runtime Restrictions:
Decision: Ask to @G. Murat Karabulut to provide some examples where this API will be useful. To be revisited during the after-next TSC meetingNov 21, 2024
Consent URL API:
Decision: The discussion must continue in ICM first. Update?
@Axel Nennker Discussion in going about the use of the prompt parameter as an alternative to the consent url
@diego.gonzalezmartinez This still needed to be discussed in ICM
@Axel Nennker will create an explicit issue in ICM to frame the discussion
Diego: Issue should explicit following questions: Do we create a consent API? Do we need something else than an API? Do we need nothing?
Commonalities (@Rafal Artych )
Main breaking changes:
PR #329 Error responses - remove explicit definitions from CAMARA API OAS - as common error semantics is applied:
405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: In OAS only the supported methods are documented, so any other method not explicitly indicated will get 405,
406 NOT_ACCEPTABLE: OAS defines what it is accepted
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE: OAS defines the accepted content types
500 - INTERNAL - Unknown server error. Typically a server bug.
503 - UNAVAILABLE - Service Unavailable.
504 - TIMEOUT - Request timeout exceeded.
Device or phone number related error codes unification
Initial analysis in progress: https://github.com/camaraproject/Commonalities/issues/302
Identity & Consent Management (@Axel Nennker )
Currently 8 open PRs but confident to close them soon
No missing PRs for ICM issues that impact API release
Point about the text present in the API that should be improved (part of info.decription) - issue #178
TSC Guidance: Must be done by all APIs when they making a new version (but not for Fall2024 but it’s ok for Spring2025) but not require a version by itself. The change must be present in the release list to be part of the meta-release.
Pending question: Does all API are required to make a new release for next meta release?
Depending on the required change to be applied.
@Mark Cornall raised the point about authorization flow misalignment within one country. For the sake on interoperability we cannot have one MNO with 2-legs flow and another with 3-legs for same api, same UC in a country.
Release Management (@Tanja de Groot)
Spring25 meta-release
M1 to be pronounced by TSC today.
PRs impacting APIs are available for the API sub Projects to work with
A few PRs for non API-impacting changes on Commonalities and ICM are still pending and will be provided later
No comment/objection from the RSC → M1 declared!
M2 on Dec 7th.
API Sub Projects must start to create their API release trackers for Spring25.
Minimum: The scope issue & targeted version.
Evolution on release management should be explained during next week all-hands meeting
Other topics
Fall24 M6 pending on Release Mgmt release creation (8/11).
Fall25 meta-release page has been created (CAMARA meta-releases - CAMARA Project - CAMARA Project)
Sandbox API page has been created (Find a good wording like: sandbox API not in any meta release). API trackers for Sandbox APIs give visibility.
GSMA OPAG “NBI realisation guidelines” (Christina Santana Casillas, OPAG Chair)
Presentation slides:
@Herbert Damker if there feedback about the API definitions out of the work at OPAG, it is appreciated to get it in the CAMARA Sub Projects
Any Other Business
Next Meeting
Next TSC Meeting will be on Thursday, Nov 21st, 15:00 UTC
Specific agenda topics backlog:
None so far, feel free to make proposals on tsc@lists.camaraproject.org