07-2024 All Hands Status Updates
Casey Cain
General Updates
Working Groups
Sub Projects
Sub Projects
General Updates
New Participants
- 1091 people from 386 companies have joined CAMARA
- 1318 people and 221 companies are in (first) talks
- Logos see landscape
Fund Updates
- Status of the technical project (same as below)
- Budget approvals
Technical Steering Committee
- EasyCLA introduction
- https://github.com/camaraproject/EasyCLA available as neutral repository where you can open a trivial PR and initiate the EasyCLA signing process.
- Especially all Codeowners should use this opportunity to ensure that they can continue working after the project wide activation of EasyCLA.
- The check for a signed CLA will be activate on all repositories soon.
- https://github.com/camaraproject/EasyCLA available as neutral repository where you can open a trivial PR and initiate the EasyCLA signing process.
- New structure of Sub Projects agreed within the TSC (see PR Governance/pull/146)
- A Sub Project can be now a set of API Repositories (one or multiple)
- Details are described within ProjectStructureAndRoles.md
- Opportunity for Sub Projects with multiple APIs to put them into separate repositories
- Allows independent releases of APIs, simplifies the management of releases
- API Backlog
- RegionUserCount got renamed into RegionDeviceCount
- ShortMessageService scope extended with "Receive SMS"
- DeviceStatus has been discussed the adoption of the two new APIs (Device Connection Quality Indicator, Device Data Volume)
- Commonalities
- Release candidate of v0.4.0 available
- Please consider this version for your APIs, especially the ones planned for the Meta-Release Fall24
- Identity & Consent Management (ICM)
- Release candidate of v0.2.0
- Please consider this version for your APIs, especially the ones planned for the Meta-Release Fall24
- Release Management
- See below
Working Group Updates
Marketing (Outreach Committee)
- CAMARA Powerpoint template available: template
- Please use it for all external communication, but also for internal needs
- Marketing concept finalized: https://github.com/camaraproject/Marketing/blob/main/documentation/MarketingMaterial/CAMARA%20MarketingConcept.pptx
2024 event list finalized:: https://lf-camaraproject.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CAM/2024+Event+Tracker
- CAMARA webinar at 12th of June and 10th of July with outstanding registration and participation: https://understandingnetworkapis.com/
- CAMARA presentations at Open Telco LATAM Summit and MWC Shanghai
- Next big event is Open Source Summit Europe
2025 planning started
- Review of marketing concept for 2025
- Working on 2025 event list / prioritization
New versions of CAMARA presentation and CAMARA onepager coming soon (new logos, new slides including these from the CAMARA webinars)
- Content is moved in dedicated Marketing repository: https://github.com/camaraproject/Marketing
Release Management
- Meta-release schedule
- M1 - Declared at TSC of 2024-07-04 for Commonality alpha release available at 2024-06-10. Decision to skip the M1 for ICM and go directly to the first release-candidate for M2.
- M2 - Release candidates of Commonalities and ICM are available, see Meta-release Fall24 plan.
- M3 - First release-candidates of API Sub Projects to be provided by 07-21.
- M4 - Final release candidates of API Sub Projects: target 08-30.
- Supporting documentation:
- One stop documentation is here: Release Management Working Group
- API release documentation is available in GitHub:
- Reminder: API versioning guidelines are provided in the API Design Guidelines (Chapter 5), further details are within the wiki.
- Next steps
- All Sub Projects are asked to prepare for the meta-release, including creating API release trackers for their APIs under their wiki pages, preparing their release-candidate API version and their API readiness checklist items.
- Reminder: the API version number within this first pre-release shall have the format x.y.z-rc.1 for the targeted release of API version x.y.z in the meta-release
- Before M3 you may release 1 or more x.y.z-alpha.n versions as needed for the API development, but you can also go from the current release directly to the first release-candidate by M3. (Pre-)release numbering starts at r1.1. Please reflect this in the CHANGELOG.md.
- Milestone timeline is here: Meta-release Fall24.
- The Release Management team will start checking APIs and highlighting any points related to the release process where needed using the API Sub Project's issues list to help in the meta-release progress.
- All Sub Projects are asked to prepare for the meta-release, including creating API release trackers for their APIs under their wiki pages, preparing their release-candidate API version and their API readiness checklist items.
- Release 0.4.0-rc.1 of Commonalities was published on 11th of July
- Please provide feedback on needed corrections for final release.
- New issues:
- Announcements
See the Release 0.4.0-rc.1 Changelog
M0 for Spring25 meta-release is on 30-09-2024
- Please indicate the topics to be included in Commonalities v.0.5.0
- Documents
- New Issues
OGW Drop #4 APIs: #35 (5G New Calling), #34 (Shutdown Service Status), #41 (Telco Scoring), #50 (Device Management), #54 (Number Recycling), #63 (IMEI Fraud)
Other APIs: #17 (Consent and Measurement), #18 (Receive SMS), #23 (Carrier Wholesale Pricing), #24 (Steering of Roaming Information), #60 (Dedicated Networks), 61 (network Info)
Governance: #4 (Structures and roles, RACI, Maintainers initiative), #53 (Scope Enhancement API Template)
- PRs
- Application templates for those API proposals which have not been discussed yet in TSC.
- Announcements
API Backlog will be held from then to now in a separate GitHub Repo and migration of issues have been completed. Active PRs will be moved to the new repo
Changes in the way of approving new API proposals are under review
Closing issues being treated in the TSC:
Proposals to be discussed in next TSC:
Number Recycling → #54 (KDDI, Vodafone, DT)
- Ongoing discussions. Proposals to be included under family....
- Release of v0.2.0-rc.1 of IdentityAndConsentManagement was published on 11th of July
- Please provide feedback on needed corrections for final release.
Sub Project Updates
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | Working in next release: v0.2.0-wip
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | API Doc Full API documentation pending to be consolidated under API Spec Use Cases - First version available |
Implementation | R | Not yet |
API Reviews and extensions | O | Some typos fixed in PR#55 - Issue #16 - Discussion about consent management considerations in retrieval of blockchain public addresses ON-HOLD - Issue #51 - Avoiding the use of "plain" phoneNumber as filter criteria of blockchain retrieval - Issue #52 - Enhancement of blockchainPublicAddress belongs to the user whose phoneNumber is indicated to set-tp the binding relationship |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | Released and approved v0.1.9-wip PR on 0.2.0-wip with further alignment with CAMARA guidelines (error codes). Conditional Call FWD endpoint as optional (error code 501) |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | User Story and Documentation released. PR for the full Test Cases for the two endpoints |
Implementation | O | NA (Optional according to CAMARA Readiness Checklist) |
API Reviews and extensions | O | NA |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements | ||
API Definition | R | API spec:
Next outputs for MetaRelease Fall24:
| ||
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | Use Cases - First version available | ||
Implementation | R | Not yet | ||
API Reviews and extensions | O | Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | API spec:
Next outputs for MetaRelease Fall24:
| ||
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | Use Cases - First version available | ||
Implementation | R | Not yet | ||
API Reviews and extensions | O | Several Open Issues, listed here. Current status:
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | Repository, Mailing list have been set up. API Definition - Draft version available Subsequent modifications and improvements will be made. |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | API doc - First version contributed TBD part will be added in next version. Use Cases - First version available TBD part will be added in next version, format needs to be adjusted.
Test Cases - Work in progress |
Implementation | R | No implementation available yet |
API Reviews and extensions | O | N/A |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | Working in release: 0.4.0 which is targeted to be a tagged release. Most issues have been resolved and release mgmt being planned. |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | Documentation is now available as part of the yaml user stories available. test cases, not yet |
Implementation | R | Not Yet |
API Reviews and extensions | O | Open Issues: Issue #48- Network Info- Scope change and overlap with DeviceStatus API. Issue #44- Simplification of Device object- short term solution |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | Device Identifier API: Initial public release 0.1.0 now available
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | Device Identifier API:
Implementation | R | |
API Reviews and extensions | O | IMEI Fraud API:
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | Last API family release: 0.2.0, including 3 APIs: (next release of the 3 APIs expected for meta-release Fall24. TBD if some of them will be major) |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R |
Implementation | R | No contribution yet |
API Reviews and extensions | O |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | Target for version 0.6.0 - separated endpoints
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | Drafts prepared according to API Testing Guidelines |
Implementation | R | No implementation available yet |
API Reviews and extensions | O | Alignment to Commonalities 0.4.0 |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | Work to be started |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | |
Implementation | R | |
API Reviews and extensions | O | Please add to https://github.com/camaraproject/DeviceSwap/issues/1 and on the mailing list if interested to support |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | •Traffic Influence – 0.9.5-wip :PR for v0.9.6-wip: addition of the "sourceTrafficFilters" object to help identify the traffic flow to influence. Minor updates following commonalities. •Edge Application Management – 0.9.3-wip:A couple of PRs have been created to improve the onboarding of an Application using K8s. •Application Endpoint Discovery: Update the device object according to the commonalities v0.4.0 definition and improve the API documentation to clarify its scope. |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | •The documentation was provided according to Commonalities v0.3.0 but will be updated according to the new requirements of Commonalities v.0.4.0. •Edge Cloud User Story now available to understand the relationship of the 4 current APIs |
Implementation | R | No provider implementation (PI) available yet.However: •Traffic Influence: Implementation under validation by Telecom Italia (TIM): •Simple Edge Discovery: Partly validated (Vodafone and Telstra). |
API Reviews and extensions | O | Exposure and Experience Management API:This API has recently received a contribution and has been renamed the Edge Service Discovery API. As the name suggests, the API has discovery functionalities but does not overlap with the current APIs but has advanced functionalities that can enhance Simple Edge and App Endpoint Discovery. We are discussing next steps. |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | Current API Spec release is v0.3.0 |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | Existing test definitions are available in the repository. |
Implementation | R | N/A |
API Reviews and extensions | O |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | Work in progress on KYC Match API, KYC Fill-in API, Age Verification API KYC Match and KYC Fill-in: release v0.1.0 is available here - KYC Match: provides the customer with the ability to compare information it has for a particular user with that owned by MNO - KYC Fill-in: provides the customer with the ability to request to MNO and receive KYC information for a particular user - KYC Match and Fill-in: upgrade to v0.1.1 with some corrections → Approved PR #100 (June 18, 2024) Age Verification: release v0.1.0 discussion ongoing - provides the customer with the ability to check age information for a particular user with MNO data - discussion on going, Issue #46, PR #50 (initial API definition proposal) |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | - KYC Match / Fill-in v0.1.1: API doc embedded in YAML, user stories available, testcases not yet available. - Age Verification v0.1.0: User story is being discussed, in alignment with API definition discussion; Issue #81. |
Implementation | R | - Not yet |
API Reviews and extensions | O | - KYC Match and KYC Fill-in v0.2.0: work in progress for enhancements; Issues #38 #39, #47, #65, #66, #71, #77, #85, #86, #87, #88, #89, #90, #91, #95, #96, and PRs #43, and some others. - KYC Match Scoring function has been discussed on #85 since June 2024, which is in line with KYC Match enhancement proposal approved in API Backlog WG. → KYC Match Scoring function was agreed as optional function, and to create KYC Match v0.2.0 including Match Scoring function, PR #104 has been approved and merged. - KYC Match Scoring: if Match result for a string-type attribute is 'false', a score on how close the string sent by the API request and the data stored in the MNO/CSP database are will be calculated and returned. - Meta Release Fall-24 candidate is being discussed; Plans to include KYC Match v0.2 (basic Match + Match Scoring) and KYC Fill-in v0.1 (basic Fill-in). Issue #75 |
- Note: Tenure API is in KnowYourCustomer Family. Tenure API will share some resources, e.g. meeting slots, with other KYC-SP APIs. In addition, API Backlog WG is discussing on whether two new APIs, NumberRecycling API and ShtudownServiceStatus API, can fit in KnowYourCustomer Family. |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | Most Frequent Location (MFL):
| |
API doc/user stories/testcases | MFL: Included as part of first code proposal | |
Implementation | N/A | |
API Reviews and extensions | N/A |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | O | Merged reworked initial proposal with updates to align with commonalities: |
API doc/user stories/testcases | O | Documentation integrated into yaml file |
Implementation | O | N/A |
API Reviews and extensions | O | N/A |
Christopher Aubut @Justin Pace
Deliverable | R/O | Current Status / Achievements |
API Definition | O | Work in progress in API Yaml and User Stories. Specs: Initial API definition of create, query, and deletion session: https://github.com/camaraproject/NetworkSliceBooking/pull/11 |
API doc/user stories/testcases | O | API Doc and User Stories: ppt can be found in https://github.com/camaraproject/NetworkSliceBooking/pull/4, while md with reference scenario can be found in https://github.com/camaraproject/NetworkSliceBooking/pull/13 |
Implementation | O | Not yet |
API Reviews and extensions | O | Not yet |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements
API Definition | R | Current release is v0.3.1: https://github.com/camaraproject/NumberVerification/releases/tag/v0.3.1 |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | Documentation integrated into YAML file
In order to align with Release Management check list, work in progress: |
Implementation | R | Live implementation could be fine here in:
API Reviews and extensions |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements
API Definition | R | Current release v0.5.0 |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | Documentation integrated into YAML file In order to align with Release Management check list, work in progress: |
Implementation | R | Live implementation could be fine here in:
API Reviews and extensions | O |
Change for meta-realse: |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | Version 0.1 released: https://github.com/camaraproject/PopulationDensityData/releases/tag/v0.1.0 Working on ensuring that the API is ready for meta-release :
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | Reference Use case closed in API documentation. Test cases pending. |
Implementation | R | N/A |
API Reviews and extensions | O |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | Current release: v0.10.1 |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | Documentation inline within API OAS |
Implementation(s) | R | Three repositories for Provider Implementations (PI):
API Reviews and extensions | O |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | API Specs will be discussed in first meeting: |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | API Doc and User Stories: |
Implementation | R | Not Yet |
API Reviews and extensions | Not Yet |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | Send SMS API Spec is defined. https://github.com/camaraproject/ShortMessageService/commits/main/code/API_definitions/SMS.yaml SMS Delivery Notification Subscription API is defined. Alpha release-v0.1.0 - camaraproject/ShortMessageService at release-v0.1.0 (github.com) |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | API doc/user stories; https://github.com/camaraproject/ShortMessageService/tree/main/documentation/API_documentation |
Implementation | R | Not yet |
API Reviews and extensions | PRs closed - 8 PR Open - 1 |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | 0.11.0-alpha.1 near completion, wip available | |
API doc/user stories/testcases | Gherkin .feature available, user story to be ported from EdgeCloud | |
Implementation | two operators: R0.93 (done) and v0.9.2 (underway) | |
API Reviews and extensions | 0.11.0-alpha.1 is mostly alignment with Commonalities 0.4-rc.1 |
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements
API Definition | R | Current release v0.4.0 https://github.com/camaraproject/SimSwap/releases/tag/v0.4.0 |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | Documentation integrated into YAML file In order to align with Release Management check list, work in progress for SIM swap |
Implementation | R | Live implementation could be fine here in:
API Reviews and extensions | O |
Change for meta-release for SIM swap:
Deliverable | R/O | Current Status / Achievements |
API Definition | O | API definition in progress: |
API doc/user stories/testcases | O | API Doc and User Stories: https://github.com/camaraproject/SiteToCloudVPN/pull/1 |
Implementation | O | Not yet |
API Reviews and extensions | O | Not yet |
@Dan Xu
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | ||
API doc/user stories/testcases | ||
Implementation | ||
API Reviews and extensions |
Deliverable | R/O | Current Status / Achievements |
API Definition | ||
API doc/user stories/testcases | ||
Implementation | ||
API Reviews and extensions |
@Dan Xu
Deliverable | R/O | Current status / Achievements |
API Definition | R | First and current release is ready v0.1.0. camaraproject/WebRTC at v0.1.0 (github.com) API Definition: |
API doc/user stories/testcases | R | Documentation is ready: WebRTC/documentation/API_documentation at main · camaraproject/WebRTC (github.com)API flow is ready
Implementation | R |
API Reviews and extensions | O | Under discussion for next releases: