2025-01-07 Release WG Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Tanja de Groot @Herbert Damker @Rafal Artych @Jan Friman @Ola Ajibola
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
@Casey Cain
Antitrust Policy
Action Items Review
Spring25 meta-release
Issues review
Action items review
@Tanja de Groot to add guidelines to republish Fall24 APIs to Spring25 in wiki. - done
Raise an issue in Commonalities (@Rafal Artych ) to discuss if it is a breaking change to change error codes (add, update, remove) as we need the guidance
From TSC on Dec 19th: “APIs should strictly apply semantic versioning regarding breaking changes. Any change that may break an implementation (e.g. changes in error response codes) should be considered as a breaking change” - @Tanja de Groot to check if documentation needs to be updated (github & wiki) - DONE: the documentation contains already the following: “adding new responses to existing operations. For example: creating a resource can return a 412 response code.”, so no update needed.
More detailed discussion:
error code changes are considered breaking changes IF they require update of test definitions
some cases are not testable (e.g;.wrong method) so there are no test definitions
removal of information from the API spec that does not impact the API client is not considered a breaking change
creation of linting rules for checking mandatory error codes- @Rafal Artych to follow-up the ongoing discussion on this.
Spring25 meta-release
13 new APIs are proposed:
blockchain-public-address v0.2.0
byon-callhandling 0.1.3
byon-racm 0.1.3
connected-network-type 0.1.0
connected-network-type-subscriptions 0.1.0
dedicated-networks v0.1.0
device-data-volume 0.1.0
device-data-volume-subscriptions 0.1.0
device-identifier 0.2.0
device-swap 0.2.0
kyc-ageverify v0.1.0
number-recycling v0.1.0
webrtc-events 0.1.0
21 Fall24 APIs are re-released
4 Fall24 APIs are missing:
application-profiles v0.3.0
connecitivity-insights-subscriptions v.0.4.0
connectivity-insights v0.4.0
home-devices-qod v0.4.0
Put an issue in the 2 related sub projects to raise the question if they want to be part of Spring25 @Tanja de Groot - - done: Update of APIs for Spring25 meta-release · Issue #105 · camaraproject/ConnectivityInsights and Update of API for Spring25 meta-release · Issue #71 · camaraproject/HomeDevicesQoD
API release PRs for M3 are to be done ASAP. Proposal @Tanja de Groot to send email to codeowners after this call one the following: - done
update the API release trackers: completion of fields + addition of “New” filed in the table.
reminder to create the release PR and invite release-management-maintainers for reviewing it
Cut-off date for API release PR review request is 2025-01-17
Issues review
General issues
Align also Working Group release numbering with the rx.n numbering schema starting in Spring25 cycle enhancement
discussion on asset versioning: all assets to be handle similar to API files @Tanja de Groot to update the description - done - see proposed update in the issue.
future evolution to use version numbers inside all assets including documents, rather than the VERSION file should be done latest by stable version of assets. Issue to be created. This issue to be closed after review of updated text.
Release PRs review issues
The following review issues have been assigned to the meeting participants:
NumberRecycling r1.1 release review review #133 opened 3 hours ago by hdamker 11 tasks
DeviceDataVolume r1.1 release review review #132 opened 3 hours ago by hdamker 11 tasks
Tenure r1.1 pre-release review review #131 opened 3 weeks ago by hdamker 11 tasks
All Hands Call on next thursday: focus on working groups, Spring25 meta-release + Q&A