2025-01-07 Release WG Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Tanja de Groot @Herbert Damker @Rafal Artych @Jan Friman @Ola Ajibola
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
@Casey Cain
Antitrust Policy
Action Items Review
Spring25 meta-release
Issues review
Action items review
@Tanja de Groot to add guidelines to republish Fall24 APIs to Spring25 in wiki. - done
Raise an issue in Commonalities (@Rafal Artych ) to discuss if it is a breaking change to change error codes (add, update, remove) as we need the guidance
From TSC on Dec 19th: “APIs should strictly apply semantic versioning regarding breaking changes. Any change that may break an implementation (e.g. changes in error response codes) should be considered as a breaking change” - @Tanja de Groot to check if documentation needs to be updated (github & wiki) - DONE: the documentation contains already the following: “adding new responses to existing operations. For example: creating a resource can return a 412 response code.”, so no update needed.
More detailed discussion:
error code changes are considered breaking changes IF they require update of test definitions
some cases are not testable (e.g;.wrong method) so there are no test definitions
removal of information from the API spec that does not impact the API client is not considered a breaking change
creation of linting rules for checking mandatory error codes- @Rafal Artych to follow-up the ongoing discussion on this.
Spring25 meta-release
13 new APIs are proposed:
blockchain-public-address v0.2.0
byon-callhandling 0.1.3
byon-racm 0.1.3
connected-network-type 0.1.0
connected-network-type-subscriptions 0.1.0
dedicated-networks v0.1.0
device-data-volume 0.1.0
device-data-volume-subscriptions 0.1.0
device-identifier 0.2.0
device-swap 0.2.0
kyc-ageverify v0.1.0
number-recycling v0.1.0
webrtc-events 0.1.0
21 Fall24 APIs are re-released
4 Fall24 APIs are missing:
application-profiles v0.3.0
connecitivity-insights-subscriptions v.0.4.0
connectivity-insights v0.4.0
home-devices-qod v0.4.0
Put an issue in the 2 related sub projects to raise the question if they want to be part of Spring25