2025-03-20 TSC Minutes
Attendees & Representation
TSC Members may indicate their attendance with an X in the far column | |||
Representatives | Organization | Role | ย |
@Herbert Damker | Deutsche Telekom AG | Maintainer | x |
@Shilpa Padgaonkar | Deutsche Telekom AG | Maintainer | x |
@Jan Friman | Ericsson | Maintainer | x |
@Toshi Wakayama | KDDI | Maintainer | x |
@Ludovic Robert | Orange | Maintainer | x |
@Tanja de Groot | Nokia | Maintainer, Release Manager | x |
@diego.gonzalezmartinez | Telefonica | Maintainer | x |
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo | Telefรณnica | Maintainer | x |
@Eric Murray | Vodafone | Maintainer | x |
@Mahesh Chapalamadugu | Verizon | Maintainer | x |
@Nick Venezia | EUC Representative | x | |
@massimiliano.troiani | Verizon | EUC Representative | ย |
@Doug Makishima | Summit Tech | EUC Representative | x |
George Glass | TM Forum | TM Form Representative | ย |
@Henry Calvert | GSMA | GSMA Representativeย | x |
Community members may use @name tag to mark their attendance
Community: @Rafal Artych @Kevin Smith @Axel Nennker @Mark Cornall @Pierre Close @Gary Clift @G. Murat Karabulut @Olta Vangjeli @Artur Krukowski
LF Staff: @Casey Cain
The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF. |
Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
General Topics
Governance & project management issues
Release Management
API Backlog
Identity & Consent Management
Specific Topics
Any Other Topics
Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
Minutes of previous TSC meeting: 2025-03-06 TSC Minutes
no comments
Action Item Review
See home page Technical Steering Committee for current list of open action items
all done
Governance & Project Management issues
Wiki update (@Casey Cain)
Visual Flair (Work in progress)
Minutes Pages (top level)
API Release Tracking
Landing pages updated
https://github.com/camaraproject/Governance/issues/184 :
2FA requirement will be enabled on March 24th, still 22 people with disabled 2FA
Material for Spring25 communication
Clean-up of Spring25 meta-release page by @Tanja de Groot
Press Release in preparation by @Jill Lovato (technical input @Herbert Damker )
Website with API overview by @Markus Kรผmmerle
CAMARA Presentation update in work by @Markus Kรผmmerle
Update of CAMARA GitHub README in https://github.com/camaraproject/.github/pull/14 by @Herbert Damker
Hint: Updated table in preview mode
Release Management (@Tanja de Groot )
Release Management team has declared Spring25 M4 on March 18.
All Sub Projects have provided their public API release. See: Meta-release Spring25
13 new APIs (in 10 repositories (2 from Fall24)): BlockchainPublicAddress, DeviceStatus, CustomerInsights, DeviceIdentifier, DeviceSwap, KnowYourCustomer, Tenure, NumberRecycling, RegionDeviceCount, WebRTC
23 updated Fall24 APIs (of 25, in 11 repositories): ConnectivityInsights, CallForwardingSignal, CarrierBillingCheckout, DeviceStatus, DeviceLocation, KnowYourCustomer, NumberVerification, OTPValidation, PopulationDensityData, QualityOnDemand, SimSwap
The Spring25 meta-release has a total of 36 APIs in 19 API repositories
For stable APIs, test statement of at least one API implementer is part of the API readiness checklist. For the 6 stable APIs:
4 have provided partial API test statements: code generation was successful, but the test feature files have not yet been used (DeviceLocation, DeviceStatus, QualityOnDemand, SimSwap)
2 APIs have not provided any test statement yet (NumberVerification, OTPValidation).
Release management proposes to TSC that an exception is applied for this meta-release, as, due to delays in schedule, limited time was available to do actual testing. The risk on problems with these APIs is expected to be low because:
4 of the stable APIs were already stable in Fall24 (DeviceLocation, NumberVerification, OTPValidation, SimSwap), so low risk.
2 new stable APIs (DeviceStatus, QualityOnDemand) have partial test statements and are expected to be tested as soon as the test support for feature files has been put in place.
Release management has asked the Sub Projects to keep the test statement issues open for some time to gather more information and give credibility to the stability of the APIs.
Request to TSC to declare Spring25 M5 - meta-release milestone
Proposal accepted and M5 declared: Supported by TSC
We have discussion about GSMA certification for Number Verification 2.0 - This point requires additional discussion between CAMARA and GSMA about minimal scope required for certification (Does only one flow authCode or CIBA is just good enough or do we mandate both flows?).
API Backlog (@Jorge Garcia Hospital)
Update on voting results (mail to TSC to be added here)
One new API proposed: eSIM Remote Management
Note: Network Health Assessment & Network Traffic Analysis proposals, reviewed during previous TSC and with pending comments to be solved are still under fix.
API descriptions to be updated according to Spring25 release (version and content, if applies).
Especially needed is an update for NumberVerification 2.0.0 in r2.4
Commonalities (@Rafal Artych )
Started draft PR https://github.com/camaraproject/Commonalities/pull/430
removed redundant, descriptive texts and reordered content โ CAMARA API Design Guide.md
dedicated subscription guidelines โ CAMARA API Event Subscription and Notification.md
Discussions in https://github.com/camaraproject/tooling/discussions
Identity & Consent Management (@Axel Nennker )
issued were labeled fall25 Thanks @Jesรบs Peรฑa Garcรญa-Oliva
Repository was created and work started.
Consent Info API PR https://github.com/camaraproject/ConsentInfo/pull/4
Any Other Business
Request for TSC to poll API authors (@Kevin Smith)
what environment(s) they use to edit APIs
what challenges they experience in the API production lifecycle
The purpose is to help the Tooling repository produce the most useful and useable tools.
Marketing consideration for September release as Open Source Summit Europe occurs end of August - do we want to target this date?
Not sureโฆ
Next Meeting
Next TSC Meeting will be on Thursday, April 3rd, 09:00 UTC (Note: 11:00 CEST / 02:00 PST)
@Herbert Damker will be on KubeCon EU in London, not able to join.
@Eric Murray / @Ludovic Robert will step in
Specific agenda topics backlog: