2024-05-16: Number Verification/ SIM Swap / OTP- Meeting Minutes

Attendees & Representation

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LF Staff:

Community: @Fernando Prado Cabrillo @Toshi Wakayama @Axel Nennker @Cormac Hegarty @ABOUCHI, Aziz Gregory Liokumovich @Huub Appelboom 


The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Roll Call

  • Action Items Review

    • Review of previous meeting minutes (May 2nd)

      • If no comment remove Draft

  • Agenda Bashing

  • General Topics


  • Any Other Topics


Action Item Review

OTP Validation


  • Add an issue for Test Case Definition - Ludovic will do.


  • Include MegaLinter (Request done to @Rafal Artych )

    • Rafal working on it to find a way to manage this globally at CAMARA level and not project per project

open point

  • No open point



  • Fixed mega Linter issues - Issue #95 PR107 

    • Request sent to Rafal to add automatic mega linter rule (see previous)

  • Add API Name as wild card scope - Issue 63 & PR103

    • Wait for conclusion on Commonalities issue #184

      • @Fernando Prado Cabrillo will check with Telefonica team to provide feedback

    • As of now this is blurry as some documentation mention this while other not.

  • Provided test cases (PR68 & 70)

    • Meeting on this topic planned May 16th at 11am CET

    • @Fernando Prado Cabrillo  is willing to manage this.

open point

  • Discussion on the simswap-subscription API:

    • To be aligned with the 'new' subscription model defined in commonalities (in progress)

      • Ludovic will handle this

    • We have to be careful if this yaml will be part of the v1.0 meta-release or 'sandbox' as probably we will not have 2 implementations for this API.



  • Add an issue for Test Case Definition - Tentative @Axel Nennker to manage this in best effort, else Ludovic/Fernando will do


  • Clarify usage of terms user and subscriber - Issue #101 & PR#102

    • Check update from @Axel Nennker to rephrasing proposal in ICM

    • Axel checks if we can move forward on this one.

open point

  • Update Diagram with RFC 9101 to secure the /authorize endpoint

    •  Now that the purpose discussion has been settled the flow 7 is ok

    • Merge PR#94 - OK?

    • Cormac will check some point with Ming and will provide update for next meeting.


  • integration to on device application (EAP-AKA)

    • Reopen following discussion with @Axel Nennker 
      Keep it open to have an issue open until NumberVerification has operatorToken implemented or decided not to implement it.

Action items