2023-04-25: Number verification / SIM Swap / OTP- Meeting Minutes

2023-04-25: Number verification / SIM Swap / OTP- Meeting Minutes

Attendees & Representation

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LF Staff:

Community: @Axel Nennker @Huub Appelboom @Ming Hui Foo @ABOUCHI, Aziz Alexander Boraczynski @Toshi Wakayamaย 


We talked about EAP-AKA, operator-token as defined in GSMA TS.43 v11, GSMA's ASAC WG and operator-token use cases like NumberVerification.



Next was a discussion about privacy and regulations, and what that means for NumberVerification in MobileConnect in German and Europe.

Singapor and Japan seem to have not much trouble with privacy regarding NumberVerification.

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