2024-11-27 DRAFT Number Verification / SIM Swap / OTP - Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Fernando Prado Cabrillo @Jorge Garcia Hospital @Cormac Hegarty @Toshi Wakayama @Huub Appelboom @Aleksandar Brankovic
Community Attendees:
@Toyeeb Rehman @Lazar Bulic @ABOUCHI, Aziz @Ola Ajibola @Surajj Jaggernath @Gregory Lindner
LF Staff:
Antitrust Policy
Action Items Review
Number Verification GSMA certification discussion with @Toyeeb Rehman
Number Verification
Issue #155 - [Phone number verify] Is it mandatory to implement both hashedPhoneNumber and plain text phoneNumber?
Issue #157 - Security & Interop profile - OIDC directive
Discussion #158 - Salt/pepper and Stretching for hashedPhoneNumber
Number Verification GSMA certification discussion with @Toyeeb Rehman
Attached presentation from @Toyeeb Rehman
SIM swap
PRs #168 & #170 have been merged, both fixing test plan minor errors and typos.
To include them as part of current API versions we’ll do a last r1.4 before shifting to Spring25 issues.
Issue #166 - What error to return when SIM Swap info is technically not available for a particular phone number
Issue #174 - [sim-swap-subscriptions]: Remove allOf for sinkCredential in SubscriptionRequest → related PR #175. To be included in r1.4
Issue #172 - Termination Reason SUBSCRIPTION_DELETED for sim-swap-subscriptions → related PR #177
Discussion: Including a new subscription type is a change in the functionality that will require a change in the api version. Although is a change already covered in current Commonalities version, maybe we can wait and include it as part of Spring25 release since there will more changes regarding the subscriptions in this next meta.