2024-05-30: Number Verification/ SIM Swap / OTP- Meeting Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Ludovic Robert @Cormac Hegarty @Izahir Clemencia@Axel Nennker @Ming Hui Foo @ABOUCHI, Aziz @Toshi Wakayama @Fernando Prado Cabrillo @Huub Appelboomย
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.
Action Items Review
Review of previous meeting minutes (May 16th)
If no comment remove Draft
Open item will be review below for each API
OTP Validation
Git Hub MegaLinter workflow integrated.
Align securitySchemes and Auth description with commonalities and ICM #56
Current discussion in ICM to slightly change the 'statement' (info description)
Proposal from ICM should come before end of next week
Provide test definition artefacts #57
Assigne: @Ludovic Robertย
ping @Izahir Clemenciaย
PR59 open to create TD folder
Prepare API for CAMARA meta release 1 #58
Placeholder issue to prepare the release
seeย Meta-release Fall24
Milestones M3 & M4 in particular
Align sim-swap notification subscription Yaml with new subscription model #108
Subscription model validated.
Prepare API for CAMARA meta release 1 #109
Placeholder issue to prepare the release
seeย Meta-release Fall24
Milestones M3 & M4 in particular
Add API-Name aka wild-card scope #103
To be discussed
Need update on the yaml as my understanding is that "There will be no "API level" scope unless explicitly defined in the API Spec YAML file".
"a scope would only provide access to all endpoints and resources of an API if it is explicitly defined in the API Spec YAML file and agreed in the corresponding API subproject if it makes sense."
PR to be checked and merged
Submission of Test Case #68 #70
Assignee: @Fernando Prado Cabrilloย
Git Hub MegaLinter workflow integration
PR110 to be approved (@Fernando Prado Cabrillo )
Number Verification
Submission of Test Case #104
PR for folder creation to be merged (#105)
Assignee: @Axel Nennkerย
OAuth2 Authorization Code vs OIDC Authorization Code (#106)
Alignement with ICM ruling โ OAuth2 Authorization Code vs OIDC Authorization Code ยท Issue #163 ยท camaraproject/IdentityAndConsentManagement (github.com)
@Axel Nennker will create a PR to fix this one. Done.
Prepare API for CAMARA meta release 1 #107
Placeholder issue to prepare the release
seeย Meta-release Fall24
Milestones M3 & M4 in particular
Git Hub MegaLinter workflow integration
PR108ย to be approved (@Fernando Prado Cabrillo )
Added sequence diagrams with RFC 9101 (issue #93 & PR94)
@Cormac Hegarty update ?
OK from Cormac
PR to be merged
Clarification on the yaml file for user & subscriber (issue #101 & PR102)
@Axel Nennker update?
Approved & merged.
ย integration to on device application (EAP-AKA) (#86)
no update
Action items