2024-03-25 Commonalities WG Minutes
Attendees & Representation
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LF Staff:
Community: @Rafal Artych ย @Ming Hui Foo@Jan Friman ย @Tanja de Groot @Ludovic Robert @Pedro Dรญez Garcรญaย @Eric Murray @Ali Tizghadam @Sachin kumar @Pierre Closeย
The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF. |
Roll Call
Action Items Review
Agenda Bashing
General Topics
Discussions in Github repository
Pull Requests review
Issues review
Any Other Topics
Action Item Review
Release 0.4.0 planning
Meta-release Milestones - draft
Open Source Summitย September 16-18 | Vienna, Austria
M1 for Commonalities should be on 15th of April
the issue in Commonalities repository will be createdย
Current Discussions
Clarification on 'subscriptionExpireTime' and 'expiresAt' Handling
What should be returned when an endpoint is not implemented?
Establishing Unified API Design Approach Across Teams: Proposal and Strategy Discussion
Guidelines for API structure would be helpful
PRs review
PR #120 Update CAMARA_common.yaml: add Device headers, fix address
Serialization issue raised by Pedro, waiting for Kevin's review
PR #143 Update Design Guidelines with character set guidance
To be merged
PR #145 Added 501 Not Supported error response
Please review the proposal
PR #148 Mandate '+' in all phoneNumber formats
To be merged
PR #152 Update API Design Guidelines on usage and style of operation tags
To be merged
PR #168 Remove pattern UUID for x-correlator
formal limitation on x-correlator format removed
PR #169 [Bugfix]: Linting rules problem with Traffic Influence API
Will be ready for final review after versioning timestamp update
Issues review
Issue #127 Which error send back when Device Identifier not supported by API Server?
The alignment is very close
Should the resulting recommendation be part of API Design Guidelines or in separate document as it describes various cases for device identification problems?
Issue #164 x-correlator in CloudsEvent notification?
PR will be prepared: The wording should indicate thatย it is recommended for the application receiving notifications to include X-correlator header in the response with the same value as was present in the request.
several event types in the subscription instead of new "combined" event types
TEL will provide their position
Issue #163 Subscription-Issue4: Need to change the scope pattern for explicit subscriptions
Where the recommendations on scope naming should be placed in Design Guidelines
Issue #162 common.yaml unnecessarily list ErrorInfo properties as required
TEL proposes to indicate in API Design Guidelines that all parameters of error response are required
TMUS expects more views how the "message" parameter should be used
Issue #156 Add reference documentation link to error responses
It can be optional parameter (in contrast to Issue #162) used mainly in development/integration environments
There are examples of field names (like "referenceError" in TMF APIs)
It can be confusing if one field definition is taken from external standard while other fields are CAMARA specific.
Issue #157 Adopting RFC 9457 for Error Handling
Please provide your views on this proposal
The meeting onย April 1st 2024 isย cancelled.
The next meeting is on April 15th 2024 usingย https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/91016460698?password=d031b0e3-8d49-49ae-958f-af3213b1e547