2024-10-14 Commonalities WG Minutes
Attendees & Representation
Name | Organisation |
@Pierre Close | AT&T | x |
@Randy Levensalor | CableLabs |
@Ben Hepworth | CableLabs | x |
@Shilpa Padgaonkar | Deutsche Telekom | x |
@Rafal Artych | Deutsche Telekom | x |
@Herbert Damker | Deutsche Telekom |
@Axel Nennker | Deutsche Telekom |
@Jan Friman | Ericsson | x |
@Thorsten Lohmar | Ericsson | x |
@Toyeeb Rehman | GSMA | x |
Ola Ajibola | GSMA | x |
@Mark Cornall | GSMA |
@Toshi Wakayama | KDDI |
@Masaharu Hattori | KDDI |
@Huub Appelboom | KPN | x |
@Casey Cain | Linux Foundation |
@Tanja de Groot | Nokia |
@Patrice Conil | Orange |
@Ludovic Robert | Orange |
@Ming Hui Foo | SingTel | x |
@Ramesh Shanmugasundaram | SpryFoxNetworks |
@Pedro Díez García | Telefonica | x |
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo | Telefonica |
@Jesús Peña García-Oliva | Telefonica |
@Ali Tizghadam | Telus |
@G. Murat Karabulut | TMUS | x |
@Sachin kumar | Vodafone |
@Eric Murray | Vodafone | x |
Antitrust Policy
Action Items Review
Open Discussions
Issues review
PRs review
Any Other Topics
Review of Action Items and Minutes from previous meetings
2024-09-16 Commonalities WG Minutes
2024-09-30 Commonalities WG Minutes
Open Discussions
Discussion if/how to adopt Arazzo in CAMARA is open
Consideration for the future.when one subscription with multiple event types is allowed
Answered for KYC Match idDocumunt issue
related to Runtime Restriction API proposal
Issues review
Issue #273 about scope of the next version was updated
@G. Murat Karabulut pointed out in the comment 2 aspects of initial event:
Agreed to count initial event when
is checked for the subscriptionsSpecial feature to distinguish whether an event notification message coming back in response to an initial event. or it is just an event occurrence - still open for discussion
First we need to prepare the changes in requirements in the current document, then it will be reshaped
The draft PR with ToC will be opened to allow all interested to contribute
newly added - waiting for views on unifying the set of Error codes present in every CAMARA API specification
https://github.com/camaraproject/Commonalities/issues/303 - covered in PR #313
As issue occured to be related not only to subscriptions, but to access to resources the guidelines should be in dedicated section like: 11.7 API access restriction (based on token & clientId)
will be covered in PR #313
Enhancement: api-root to act as a bookmark · Issue #294 · camaraproject/Commonalities
As more related to implementation should be checked by GSMA and reviewed by TSC
Clarified that Commonalities should start the next release with r1.1
Waiting for proposal of solutions or guidelines that can be used by sub-projects to tackle multi-SIM subscriptions.
PRs are expected by the end of October to cover the scope of next release - cf #273
PRs review
Prepared for patch release maintenance-0.4 branch is used
After patch release it can be merged in the main branch
Update Pull Request template with breaking change indication by rartych · Pull Request #314 · camaraproject/Commonalities - proposed to be consedered by ICM and sub-projects that released the stable API releases.
when agreed the changes should be applied to event subscription definitions and artifacts
common data type where both Circle and Polygon are defined
In the next stage additional types of area (like postal code or administrative areas) can be added
work in progress
#290 to be tackled when preparing new Guidelines document #306
The next meeting is on October 28th 2024 using https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/91016460698?password=d031b0e3-8d49-49ae-958f-af3213b1e547
Action items