2024-02-01 TSC Minutes
Attendees & Representation
TSC Members may indicate their attendance by marking an X in the column to the right.
Community members may use @name tag to mark their attendance below the table.ย
Representative | Organization | Role | ย |
Herbert Damker | Deutsche Telekom AG | TSC Chair, Active Maintainer | x |
Shilpa Padgaonkar | Deutsche Telekom AG | Active Maintainer | x |
Jan Friman | Ericsson | Active Maintainer | x |
Toshi (Toshiyasu) Wakayama | KDDI | Active Maintainer | x |
Ludovic Robert | Orange | TSC Deputy Chair, Active Maintainer | ย |
Adnan Saleem | Radisys | EUC Representative | ย |
Doug Makishima | Summit Tech | EUC Representative | ย |
Diego Gonzรกlez Martรญnez | Telefonica | Active Maintainer | x |
Jose Luis Urien | Telefรณnica | Active Maintainer | x |
Mahesh Chapalamadugu | Verizon | EUC Representative | ย |
Eric Murray | Vodafone | TSC Deputy Chair | x |
Kevin Smith | Vodafone | Active Maintainer | x |
Chris Howell | Vonage | Active Maintainer | x |
George Glass | TM Forum | TM Forum Representative | ย |
Olta Vangjeli | TM Forum | TM Forum Representative | x |
Henry Calvert | GSMA | GSMA Representativeย | x |
LF Staff:
Community: @Mark Cornall @Rafal Artychย Laszlo Suto, Lazar Bulic, Olta Vangjeli, Ramit Chawla, Aleksander Brankovic, Tanja de Groot, Uwe Rauschnbach, @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram , T Rehman
The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF. |
Roll Call
Action Items Review
Agenda Bashing
General Topics
Update from CAMARA Fund Board Meeting
API Backlog
Identity & Consent Management
Release Management
GSMA certification of CAMARA APIsย
Any Other Topics
Action Item Review
Updates from CAMARA Fund Board Meeting (@Herbert Damker )
David del Val took over the role of Juan Carlos Garcรญa as voting representative of Telefonica
We have now two nominated Community Release Managers
Samuel Adeyemo nominated by Nokiaย
Marouane Balmakhtar nominated by T-Mobile USย
Markus Kรผmmerle elected as Chair of the CAMARA Outreach Committee
formerly known as Marketing Working Group ... now merged
API Backlog (@joseantonio.ordonezlucena )
New sub project for network slicing API (approved on last meeting) created: https://github.com/camaraproject/NetworkSliceBooking
Mailing list: https://lists.camaraproject.org/g/sp-nsb
Request to approve API Proposal "Call Forwarding Signal"
see message: https://lists.camaraproject.org/g/tsc/message/113
Proposal presented by Fabrizio
Anti-fraud use case proposal from GSMA OGW
Indicates if voice call forwarding is enabled for a device
Applicable to both mobile and fixed devices
DECISION:ย Approved
Jose to provide agreed sub-project maintainers
Discussion about not yet accepted "Device Visit Location", see TSC mailing list
API requires end user location to be collected and stored for an extended period (30 days)
Privacy / user consent issue, as end user must consent before data can be collected and stored, which must start long before API is called
Kevin raised issue of possible negative press coverage from misinterpretation on how API would be used, and anti-fraud use case is unclear
Anti-fraud use case appears weak, marketing use case may be controversial
Device Location APIs give current location, which does have a clear anti-fraud use case
Henry expressed view that TSC should not block APIs if technically possible and seen as valuable for some markets
GSMA OGW product workstream to re-check commercial value of such an API
Anti-fraud use case to be reviewed and clarified
Remove marketing use case
TSC to then agree disclaimer to be included in sub-project repository
Update on important topics and request of actions
Update from Rafal:
Preparing next release (v0.3) with linting rules and API testing guidelines (see last meeting minutes)
Discussion about error response format:
Current format defined in Design Guidelines, a change would break all API following this format
Proposal to use RFC 9457ย Problem Details for HTTP APIs for error responses
Lot of examples (e.g. from cloud providers) of different error response schema
Question: keep current definition or change towards RFC based schema
Proposal: request company opinions within the issue. If no consensus raise it to TSC for a vote.
Eric will close the current issue and open a new one with the summary of current positions. There comments should be raised.
Issue #128 API Design : UNAUTHENTICATED 401ย API format issues with some gateway implementations, e.g. having no control over error schema
Identity & Consent Management
Initial input info by Diego
The moderation role will be handed over from Jesรบs Peรฑa (Telefรณnica) to Axel Nennker (DT)
Release v0.1 generated https://github.com/camaraproject/IdentityAndConsentManagement/releases/tag/v0.1.0 (will be referenced by Commonalities v0.3.0).
OIDC profile first draft provided by Telefonica.
High participation - several comments to discuss/agree points on the profile
Agreement within the working group: Profile will be self-contained, but will clearly remark every change or deviation with regards to existing referenced standards e.g.: OAuth2 or OIDC.
Duplicity of information GSMA-CAMARA:ย Issue in GSMA already created, PR to follow to remove redundant info
Release Managementย
Two Release Managers nominated and onboarded, see above
Weekly working group meetings (seeย Minutes - Release WG)
Work on release process started (seeย Meta-release Milestones)
GSMA certification of CAMARA APIs (@Mark Cornall)
GSMA would like a global standard, which includes authorisation flow even if local regulation allows alternative authorisation flows
Chris requested extended discussion on common testing issues at next meeting
Any Other Topic