2024-08-01 TSC Minutes
Attendees & Representation
TSC Members may indicate their attendance by marking an X in the column to the right.
Community members may use @name tag to mark their attendance below the table.
Representative | Organization | Role |
@Herbert Damker | Deutsche Telekom AG | TSC Chair, Active Maintainer | X |
@Shilpa Padgaonkar | Deutsche Telekom AG | Active Maintainer | X |
@Jan Friman | Ericsson | Active Maintainer |
@Toshi Wakayama | KDDI | Active Maintainer | X |
@Ludovic Robert | Orange | TSC Deputy Chair, Active Maintainer |
@Adnan Saleem | Radisys | EUC Representative |
@Doug Makishima | Summit Tech | EUC Representative | X |
@diego.gonzalezmartinez | Telefonica | Active Maintainer |
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo | Telefónica | Active Maintainer | X |
@Mahesh Chapalamadugu | Verizon | EUC Representative |
@Eric Murray | Vodafone | TSC Deputy Chair | X |
@Kevin Smith | Vodafone | Active Maintainer |
@Chris Howell | Vonage | Active Maintainer |
George Glass | TM Forum | TM Forum Representative |
@Olta Vangjeli | TM Forum | TM Forum Representative |
@Henry Calvert | GSMA | GSMA Representative |
@Mark Cornall | GSMA | GSMA Representative | x |
LF Staff:
Community: @Tanja de Groot @Bart van Kaathoven @Axel Nennker @Jorge Garcia Hospital @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram @Ramit Chawla @Samuel Adeyemo @Rafal Artych Nuno Rodrigues
The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF. |
Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
General Topics
Governance & project management issues
API Backlog
Identity & Consent Management
Release Management
Specific Topics
Any Other Topics
Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
Minutes of previous TSC meeting: 2024-07-18 TSC Minutes
No comments
Action Item Review
See home page Technical Steering Committee
One due date updated (@Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez on vacation)
Governance & Project Management issues
EasyCLA Introduction (@Casey Cain )
Still very few contributor who initiated/tested their CLA check within https://github.com/camaraproject/EasyCLA
From last meeting:
Casey suggests to give one more week and activating EasyCLAJul 29, 2024
Casey has to send notice to the all-mailing-list. Casey proposed also to have some availability this week in case of issue
Postponed the activation to end of August:
Mail was not sent yet
Work on release candidates should not be disturbed
Vacation time
Preparation of Meta-Release announcement will be prepared in Marketing Working Group
including alignment with GSMA
regular updates about Meta-Release status, especially included APIs to them
API Backlog (@Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez )
Repository was created: https://github.com/camaraproject/NumberRecycling
Initial Maintainers and Codeowners need to be defined
DeviceStatus accepted the new APIs Device Quality Indicator and Device Data Volume APIs
CAMARA admin team to create the repositories (check API Proposal issues)
No new APIs brought to TSC
Commonalities (@Rafal Artych )
Release 0.4.0-rc.1
Aggregated list of bugfixes: https://github.com/camaraproject/Commonalities/issues/253
Target date for rc.2 scope close is Aug 5, 2024, PRs to be finalised with approval shortly after
Issue Attribute startsAt should be non-mandatory #262 proposes to change the attribute name in subscription response - impact on all Subscription APIs.
correction of Subscription template file
Decision regarding renaming to be taken in the Working Group, will impact none of the API which are targeting "stable" within Fall24 release
Issues which might be of interest for TSC participants:
Issue Simplification/automation of linting ruleset updates in CAMARA repositories #263
planned to support within the next release cycle
will solve the challenge of using the latest linting rules across all API repositories
Issue API misuse #259
APIs who are using the device object or phoneNumber should follow the discussion and check there own APIs for privacy side effects
Hopefully the results and necessary changes will impact only error examples, implementation guidelines and test definitions
If there are necessary (breaking) changes to API definitions then they are important enough to be done also after the meta-release
Identity & Consent Management will also review this issue
Identity & Consent Management (@Axel Nennker )
Release of r0.2.0-rc.2 of IdentityAndConsentManagement is almost ready (IdentityAndConsentManagement/pull/181)
This is a bug fix release.
Got released during the TSC meeting: https://github.com/camaraproject/IdentityAndConsentManagement/releases/tag/r0.2.0-rc.2
One change impacts for all APIs the mandatory text within the Info.description:
The first paragraph of the text has been changed to correct a link which pointed to the
branch of IdentityAndConsentManagement (cf. IdentityAndConsentManagement/pull/186)New:
The "Camara Security and Interoperability Profile" provides details on how a client requests an access token. Please refer to Identify and Consent Management (https://github.com/camaraproject/IdentityAndConsentManagement/) for the released version of the Profile.
As it is only in description the change has no direct impact on the API definitions.
Release Management (@Tanja de Groot @Samuel Adeyemo )
M3 status:
1 review issue closed - API M3 approved by RM so far: SimpleEdgeDiscovery r1.1 release review #48.
13 active review issues (covering 19 APIs) opened for review by Release Mgmt team: ReleaseManagement - review issues list
A few more submissions are expected
Aug 15th: final closing date for approved M3 release PRs - submit by Aug 10th to allow for release management review.
See meta-release page for API milestone status.
WebRTC missing release tracker
Those APIs that want to be in the meta-release need to create their release tracker (else they are not visible for Release Management)
Once their release PR for M3 is ready, they need to add the release-management_maintainers as a reviewer of the PR to kick off the review process.
M4 status
APIs that passed M3 (or submitted for approval) can start to prepare their public release PR for the M4.
Stable APIs (5 so far) will be submitted for M4 approval by TSC - for discussion:
review the release candidates of stable APIs by Commonalities and ICM ASAP - create an issue in Comm. and ICM projects. Check in particular wrt the above API misuse issue (too detailed error msg, return parameters that should not be there)
Aug 26th: latest date that APIs should provide their final release PRs. Changes since M3 should be documented in CHANGELOG.md.
TSC on Sep 5th shall make final decisions on meta-release participation and stable status.
Any Other Business
Open source summit (Vienna - Sep 16-18, 19: co-located events day):
Physical participation - TBC (Herbert will send an email poll)
Who can be there ? could include a F2F (with remote option) TSC (end of Sep 18th)
GSMA OPG F2F (Sep 2-6, Munich):
OGW technical group meets Sep 5th/6th
In-person & remote - register by Aug 15th with @Mark Cornall or @Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated)
@Mark Cornall to send email to TSC list
Next Meeting
Next TSC Meeting would be on August 15th at 16:00 CEST / 14:00 UTC / 07:00 PST
Will be holiday in some countries and vacation time (Spain, France, Poland, Italy, ...)
Move the meeting to the fourth Thursday August 22nd afternoon, starting 30 min later
So, the Next TSC Meeting will be on August 22nd at 16:30 CEST / 14:30 UTC / 7:30 PST
Specific agenda topics backlog: