2024-04-04 TSC Minutes
Attendees & Representation
TSC Members may indicate their attendance by marking an X in the column to the right.
Community members may use @name tag to mark their attendance below the table.ย
Representative | Organization | Role | ย |
@Herbert Damkerย | Deutsche Telekom AG | TSC Chair, Active Maintainer | x |
@Shilpa Padgaonkar | Deutsche Telekom AG | Active Maintainer | ย |
@Jan Frimanย | Ericsson | Active Maintainer | x |
@Toshi Wakayama | KDDI | Active Maintainer | x |
@Ludovic Robertย | Orange | TSC Deputy Chair, Active Maintainer | x |
@Adnan Saleemย | Radisys | EUC Representative | ย |
@Doug Makishimaย | Summit Tech | EUC Representative | x |
@diego.gonzalezmartinez | Telefonica | Active Maintainer | x |
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo | Telefรณnica | Active Maintainer | x |
@Mahesh Chapalamadugu | Verizon | EUC Representative | ย |
@Eric Murrayย | Vodafone | TSC Deputy Chair | x |
@Kevin Smithย | Vodafone | Active Maintainer | x |
@Chris Howellย | Vonage | Active Maintainer | ย |
George Glass | TM Forum | TM Forum Representative | ย |
@Olta Vangjeliย | TM Forum | TM Forum Representative | ย |
@Henry Calvertย | GSMA | GSMA Representativeย | ย |
@Mark Cornallย | GSMA | GSMA Representative | ย |
LF Staff:ย
Community: @Tanja de Groot @Rafal Artych Cevdet Emre Yilmaz, @Uwe Rauschenbach @Ming Hui Foo Musa Gacemer @Ramit Chawla@Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez @Yacine Kheddache @Pierre Closeย
The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF. |
Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
General Topics
CAMARA Project Updates & Governance issues
Change Working Groups into Sub Projects (https://github.com/camaraproject/Governance/issues/84)
Release Management
Identity & Consent Management
API Backlog
Specific Topics
No life sign projects - how to handle these?
(if time left) Add structure to sub project and working group information
Any Other Topics
Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
No comment - Minutes agreed.
Action Item Review
CAMARA Project Updates ( @Casey Cain ย & all)
Project meetings
Due to Daylight Savings Time, meetings will likely need to be updated.ย Ping @Casey Cain & @Evan Harrison on Slack with your move requests and they will be processed this Friday.
If you have not yet moved to Zoom, please let @Casey Cain & @Evan Harrison when you are ready so we can move.
All project meetings that were listed in project repositories have been created.ย We are just waiting on projects to reach out to @Evan Harrison & @Casey Cainย to migrate to the new zoom meetings.
Make sure that you are encouraging everyone to have a LF ID.ย We are noticing that a lot of people are joining the project calls that do not have an LF ID.ย This will ensure that theyย can find meeting invites and recordings on LFID Profile at https://openprofile.devย
Status of EasyCLA introduction (@Casey Cain )
From previous minutes: Activation for CLA is delayed for right now until GSMA is resolved, Casey took action to send mail to Mark Cornall
GSMA Follow-up taking place on Apr 12, 2024ย
Open Office Hoursย (@Casey Cain to provide next slots)
Open Office Hours was delayed due to Casey & Evan both being ill.ย New invites for the Open Office Hours has been sent
Change Working Groups into Sub Projects (https://github.com/camaraproject/Governance/issues/84)(@Herbert Damker )
Proposal (as in https://github.com/camaraproject/Governance/issues/84):
Create separate repositories for all Working Groups (Commonalities and Release Management already available, API Backlog and Marketing todo)
The new repositories follow the same procedures as the repositories for Sub Projects. That means it will have maintainers and code owners, but no WG_participant.md files
To distinguish repos for Working Groups from repos for API Sub Projects we use a new badge "Working Group"
Existing content will be added into the new repositories, issues will be transferredย
The existing "Working Groups" repository is set to read only after the content is transferred and then archived after 1 month
How to define the initial set of Maintainers and Codeowners for the API Backlog repository?
API Backlog:
Proposal: candidates for Maintainer in API Backlog group are all current participants who have attended >=4 of the last 6 meetings (9 candidates, representing ATT, CableLabs, Charter Communication, Ericsson, GSMA, Nokia, Telefonica (2), Vodafone). Further 6 candidates if >=3 of last 6 meetings or >=5 of of last 9 meetings (Deutsche Telekom, Huawei, Orange, Schabodi, Telefonica, Vodafone). The candidates would need to commit to the Maintainer role to get Maintainer.
Codeowner will be defined by the Maintainer group
Maintainers and code owners of Marketing Working Group will be defined by the existing working group respective the Outreach Committee members nominated by Board members
Approved by the TSC
@Herbert Damker will get in touch with @Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez to execute accordingly for backlog project.ย
Ricardo will reach out to the Maintainer candidates and ask for their commitment to the role
@Herbert Damker will create a PR with the necessary changes toย ProjectCharter.md and ProjectStructureAndRoles.md
For further resulting action items seeย https://github.com/camaraproject/Governance/issues/84#issuecomment-2036723582
Release Management (@Samuel Adeyemo @Tanja de Groot )
Review of CAMARA release processย Meta-release Milestones (https://lf-camaraproject.atlassian.net/wiki/x/ah7e)
Test meta-release page layout timeline
Next step: create API version assets and acceptance criteria for Commonalities and ICM release-candidates
Action Point: clarify current comments on the process
Action Point: align dates M1 & M2 with ICM and Commonalities
Action Point: disseminate the release process information into sub projects; starting with AHC on Thursday April 11th
Draft Proposal for Release management & versioningย API Release Process (https://lf-camaraproject.atlassian.net/wiki/x/jine)
Feedback requested
Will lead to update of Camara_Versioning_Guidelines.md
May lead to updates / movingย of release checklist to RM
May lead to updates of the testing guidelines
Action Point: Check linting rules, if the proposed version numbering and extensions are allowed @Herbert Damkerย
To be discussed and decided: will only sub project releases with >=1.x.y be part of the meta-release or could also "development" releases 0.x.y be allowed as part of the meta-release? => Open issues below
Open issues
Review: Multiple APIs in one Sub-project(https://lf-camaraproject.atlassian.net/wiki/x/xBXe)
Next steps: in all outstanding issues related to RM, request teams to check if proposal meets the needs.
Action Item: create or reuse GitHub issues for the open issue(s)
Identity & Consent Management ( @Axel Nennkerย )
Not much feedback from TSC membersย on our request to comment on "purpose" and whether multiple purposes are a business requirement
Request for action to all: Please add your company's position
Working on the last remaining open topics beforeย merging our Interoperability and security document.ย Thanks to TEF for summing up the open points.
Most difficult remaining point is how to represent "purpose" (see previous point). If there is no consensus within the next meeting, the only option might be to have no statement about it in the first version of the profile (= deleting the current proposal of adding an explicit parameter from the PR).ย
Steady participation, we are making progress
Commonalities (@Rafal Artych )
Discussions on event subscription evolution are going on (issues 1-4 from the consolidation list)
Proposal (@Ludovic Robert ): have explicit workshop (mid of April) to resolve the open points on event subscriptions
Proposalย (@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo ): Another meeting for the open points regarding test definitions (also in April)
Error response format
No feedback onย Adopting RFC 9457 for Error Handling
Decision:ย Adopting RFC 9457 for Error Handling will be closed with "not to be implemented"
Smaller improvements:
Release (0.4.0) plan
Meeting on 15.04.2024 fixing the scope โ M0ย
@Rafal Artych mentioned that having stable commonalities guidelines for M1 is very challenging
The latest moment to finish the release candidate of Commonalities is 10.06.2024 โ M2
M2 should include update of linting rules introduced with M1 release of Commonalities (as far as able to be checked by linting rules)ย
API Backlog (@Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez )
There was not enough time left for the API Backlog items, especially the proposals from https://lists.camaraproject.org/g/tsc/message/149, they are postponed to next TSC meeting
CPE Management:
Already approved, will go in a separate repository beside HomeDevicesQoD, but planned to be managed by one group
Final name under discussion, see comment in https://github.com/camaraproject/WorkingGroups/issues/378
Sub Project will be create after name is decided
@Ricardo Serrano Gutierrez mentioned that there potentially will come a lot of new proposals with GSMA Product team "Drop 4" and we need to discuss how to handle that.
@Herbert Damker reminded of the name of the working group "API Backlog", which means that proposals can also stay there until the project has enough bandwidth to manage the work on the proposals. Criteria need to be defined about which proposals will be put into "work in progress" (= will be developed and afterwards managed in a sub project).
No life sign projects - how to handle these? (@Herbert Damker @Ludovic Robert )
Following points were only shortly mentioned my @Ludovic Robert , but not discussed (=> backlog item)ย
We have currently two project without (visible) work within the repositories
Device Swap (repository created but no activity over the last 6 months)
IMEI Fraud (Attached to device identifier repository but no activity there on this API)
Are these APIs still relevant?
If, yes, how to find volunteers who will work on them?
If no volunteers: Postpone these APIs to a later time?
Add structure to project and working group information (@Casey Cain )
Postponed to a later TSC due to lack of time.
Any Other Topic
Next Meeting
Next TSC Meeting will be on April 18th, 16:00 CEST / 14:00 UTC / 07:00 PST
Specific agenda topics backlog:
Update from TMForum collaboration and how members are working in Catalysts and Operate APIs (@Olta Vangjeli )
Catalyst and Operate APIs update
Can we have more usecases proposed how TMForum APIs and Camara communicate in e2e journeys?
No life sign projects - how to handle these? (@Ludovic Robert )
Add structure to project and working group information (@Casey Cain )