2024-05-17 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes
Attendees & Representation
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LF Staff: na
Community: @Herbert Damker @Emil Zhang @Eric Murray @Joachim Dahlgren @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo@Randy Levensalor @Surajj Jaggernath @Toshi Wakayama @Rafal Artych ย @Patrice Conil @Thorsten Lohmar @dominik.fischer @Masaharu Hattori @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram @Maximilian Laue @Jorge Garcia Hospital, CHINTAN LODARIYA
Review of previous meeting minutes
Overall Topics
Regular Topics
Open Pull Requests
New Issues
Issues relevant for v0.11.0
Any Other Topics
Review of previous meeting minutes
Previous meeting minutes:ย 2024-05-03 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes
No comments, agreed to remove "DRAFT"
Overall topics
New GitHub teamsย @camaraproject/quality-on-demand_maintainers and @camaraproject/quality-on-demand_codeowners are complete.
TSC: Reactivated discussion Commonalities/issues/171: Revise the device object definition to simplify itย
Telefonica team will set up a dedicated meeting, involving ICM & Commonalities team
Who from Qod will participate?ย
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo obviously ... PhoneNumber yes, IP Address in some cases, Network Access Identifier not yet. To be discussed in which cases the Device object can be made optional (e.g. if already contained in access token)
@Randy Levensalor to ensure that fixed wireless access will be considered
Based on outcome we will enhance our description when to use and how to use the device object
Open Pull Requests
PR #289 Split QoD in Quality-On-Demand and QoS Profiles APIs by @Jose Luis Urien Pinedoย
Open comments resolved and PR merged
PR #294 Update README.md by @Jorge Garcia Hospitalย
Open comments resolved online, ready for final review
Closed issues
#265 Proposal to split QoS Sessions and QoS Profiles into two separate API definitions
fixed with merged PR #289ย
New Issues
Issues relevant for v0.11.0
#292 Scope of QualityOnDemand for Fall24 CAMARA release
No updates, still valid
Covers also #288, #281, #280, #266, #249
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo will make first proposal
Previous minutes
discussed about maxDuration โ establish again as absolute maximum
discussed about default for durationย
making duration parameter mandatory could be an option
#257 Error behaviour when session cannot be created due to "time cap" limitation
Will be addressed after PR #289 is merged
#245 Update and enhance test definition file for QOD API
Telefonica has a feature file for testing, will adapt it to Commonalities results, and then contribute.
Commonalities PR #203 with design guidelines for .feature files and test coverage (sunny/rainy test cases). For first meta-release the full coverage will not be required.
CAMARA test cases will only test the correct reactions of the API, not the service (e.g. network performance or SLAs)
Previous content:
Sunny test cases have to added before first release candidate of v0.11.0 (mid of June)
#244 Align securitySchemes and security of QOD API spec with IdentityAndConsentManagement
@Eric Murray will create a PR.ย
#166 Extend QoS Profile queries to list profiles based on specific users or devices
@Randy Levensalor ย will create a first PR
#101 List endpoint for active sessions of authenticated user
Please review latest proposal on this issue: https://github.com/camaraproject/QualityOnDemand/issues/101#issuecomment-2015041284
Draft PR #228 need to be closed and restarted due to the split and based on the discussion.
Further Issues
It would be good to have an user story to get a better understanding of the Provision mode usage and behaviour
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo: the Provision modeย will be proposed as independent API, 90% same as Session mode API
@Thorsten Lohmar asked for answers to his questions in https://github.com/camaraproject/QualityOnDemand/issues/268#issuecomment-2079239521
#286 Review Attribute Descriptions with References to External Specifc
No update, previous content:ย
@Herbert Damker check where QoD would be impactedย
Maybe into backlog until implementation experiences are available
Any other topics
Next QoD meeting will be on May 31st, at 14:00 CEST / 12:00 UTC
Herbert will be on vacation. Meeting will be moderated by @Randy Levensalorย