2024-07-26 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes
Attendees & Representation
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LF Staff:ย
Community: @Herbert Damker @Eric Murray @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Randy Levensalor @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram @Emil Zhang @Rafal Artych @Masaharu Hattori @Konstantinos Fragkosย
Review of previous meeting minutes
Overall Topics
Regular Topics
Open Pull Requests
New Issues
Issues relevant for v0.11.0
Any Other Topics
Review of previous meeting minutes
Previous meeting minutes:ย 2024-07-12 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes
no comments
Overall topics
Target: PR for release-candidates of API Sub Projects to be provided by 07-26
will not be achieved, we target to have the release PR for final review within next week
Current status:ย
Agreed to add @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo to the codeowner file.
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo to open a PR for that (update: done and merged)
Open Pull Requests (open for review)
PR #327ย Update ICM AuthZ/AuthN Template to Release 0.2.0 wording
Final review (update: merged)
PR #325ย List sessions endpoint for quality-on-demandย
"all returned sessions must have been created by the same API client given in the access token" is valid for 2- and 3-legged access tokens, and for all API endpoints working on sessions.
scope to be changed from ...:read to ...:retrieve
Will be updated based on #326 (after it's final review and merge)
Add 501 to indicate that at least for one release cycle the implementation is optional
PR #326 Align quality-on-demand with Commonalties regarding optional device object and error message
Only quality-on-demand yet (qos-profiles to be considered)
Incorporate the Generic404 definition
Use the current definitions & documentation from Commonalities & ICM, potentially adapt to outcome of https://github.com/camaraproject/Commonalities/issues/259
PR #318 Add query to qos-profiles to query profiles available on a given device
Ready for final review
PR #299 New API QOD Provision
Align with changes/decisions done for #325 and #326
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo will inform the maintainer team when ready for final review
Closed issues
#322 Remove cucumber code from the repository (with PR #323)
#321 Remove unresolved reference within quality-on-demand documentation (with PR #324)
#314 Adding notificationUrl as an optional property in CloudEvents (closed as not planned)
#305 Add more HTTP Status Codes for improved Error Handling (with PR #306)
New Issues
Differentiate SessionInfo for request and response
Add a description of the device object in response according to @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo proposal
Eric will propose an approach for 3-legged token
Issues relevant for v0.11.0ย
#245 Update and enhance test definition file for QOD API
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo will check if internal test definitions can be adapted
#313 Align with Commonality decision about optional device object and respective documentation
Addressed in #326
#315 Return 422 instead of 501 if the service is not implemented for specified device
Addressed in #326
#316 Align error responses for Device Object with v0.4.0 of Design Guidelines
Addressed in #326
Review scope and time plan for Release Candidate
#292 Scope of QualityOnDemand for Fall24 CAMARA release
Review scope in light of short-term deadline
@Herbert Damker will prepare the release PR (as draft)
We will go for the Meta-Release with an "Initial" API Version, which means to keep v0.11.0
Why we don't go for "Stable":
Lack of prerequisites (test cases, certification of previous version)
Too many changes between v0.10.0 and v0.11.0, we should have one cycle where we don'tย introduce breaking changes
Any other topics
Next QoD meeting will be on August 9th, at 14:00 CEST / 12:00 UTC
We don't plan to skip meetings until the release (at least for now).