2024-09-20 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes
Attendees & Representation
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LF Staff:ย
Community: @Herbert Damker , @Eric Murray @Ben Hepworth , @Randy Levensalor @Toshi Wakayama , @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo , @Thorsten Lohmarย , @Masaharu Hattori , @Konstantinos Fragkos , @Joachim Dahlgren , @Akos Hunyadi , @Emil Zhang @Surajj Jaggernath , @Jorge Garcia Hospitalย
Review of previous meeting minutes
Overall Topics
Regular Topics
Closed PRs and Issues
Open Pull Requests
New Issues
Open Issues
Any Other Topics
Review of previous meeting minutes
Previous meeting minutes:ย 2024-09-06 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes
no comments
Overall topics
Fall24 - closing #292
closed as completed
Patch release for Fall24?
Currently only #361? ย (Authorization and Authentication section need to be aligned with ICM 0.2.0 text.)
Make local links release specific โ new issue for potential patch release
Swagger / Redoc do not pick up relative links, therefore relative links wouldn't work
Links to images have to go to the release tag
Going forward: automation within release creation?
Update:ย @Herbert Damker created https://github.com/camaraproject/QualityOnDemand/issues/363 for the issue with the current r1.2 release, to be addressedย
Decision: Both issues are not time critical (will get only a problem if there are changes in the main branches), we will wait with a patch release for more relevant issues.
Spring25 Release
Scope Issue to be created
Open Pull Requests
Closed Pull Requests
#353 (Release PR)
Closed Issues
#352ย Create PR for public release r1.2 (M4)
see PR #353
New Issues
#362ย Support of Multi-SIM lines in QoD APIs
Target: define a common behaviour across operators (which all operators can implement)
Secondary MSISDNs: not known to users/developers, can't be used in public
Just using the "main" device not sufficient (way to notify the application about the chosen device/SIM missing)
Enabling all devices with same MSISDN?ย
Maybe an option, but only in combination with a selected application (IP) flow
Request to those who have implemented to share their current solution
Target: Derive some guideline/documentation update for the current version
Documentation of expected behaviour also relevant for a Fall24 patch release
#361 Authorization and Authentication section need to be aligned with ICM 0.2.0 text
PR to be created (can go now into main)
In scope of Spring 25 if not already within a Fall25 patch release (see above)
#359 Add explanation on why there is a "POST /retrieve-sessions" instead of GET
Create one sentence and propose also to Commonalities to add to the Guideline
To be discussed first within the issue
In scope of Spring 25 if not already within a Fall25 patch release (see above)
Issues considered in discussion for scope of Spring25 release
#341ย Add user story for QoS Profiles
Draft for next call @Randy Levensalorย - @Ben Hepworth will be helping with this.
#337 Potential enhancement of booking feature for qod-provision
no update in this meeting
from previous meeting:
@Masaharu Hattori proposed this to be considered for Spring25 release
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo Suggested we clarify the use case, including evaluating user notification process for delayed provisioning.
#147 Extend the query capabilities for Qos Profiles
Application-profile as potential input, returning fitting qos-profiles
Challenge: application-profile is a resource which need first to be created
Use of application-profile API is also discussed in other Sub Project (e.g. EdgeCloud)
Potentially related: Commonalities/issues/179
#173 Add support for DSCP markings for QoD sessions
Refining use case as next step
DSCP to matching an IP flow?ย
Use of L4S in context of a QoS profile as one potential user story
#302 Providing developers with alternate to QoS profile
potential via #147 instead as a direct parameter within the quality-on-demand API
evaluate relation to new QualityByDesign concept
Remaining issues (#45, #194, #243, #286, #304, #317) to be checked (off-line) regarding closing / taking into scope
Any other topics
Next QoD meeting will be on October 4th, at 14:00 CEST / 12:00 UTC