2024-06-28 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes
Attendees & Representation
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Community: @Randy Levensalor @Ben Hepworth @Thorsten Lohmar @Maximilian Laue @Eric Murray @Akos Hunyadi @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram @Toshi Wakayama @Rafal Artych @Emil Zhang @Joachim Dahlgren @Jorge Garcia Hospital @Konstantinos Fragkos @Masaharu Hattori @Surajj Jaggernath @Syed Rehman @Akos Hunyadiย
Review of previous meeting minutes
Overall Topics
Regular Topics
Open Pull Requests
New Issues
Issues relevant for v0.11.0
Any Other Topics
Review of previous meeting minutes
Previous meeting minutes:ย 2024-06-14 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes
No comments
Overall topics
Commonalities and ICM release candidates:
Commonalitiesย Release 0.4.0-rc.1 (draft PR)
Identity and Consent Management Release 0.2.0-rc (PR in review)
Any new issues for QualityOnDemand?
Create new issue to make Device object optional and add text according to (merged) Commonalities PR #233ย Proposal to simplify device object and improve interoperability
Governance: Sub Project can have multiple API repositories going forward
QoS Profiles and/or QoD Provision into own repositories?ย
Randy: keeping together for now make sense
No motion to split into additional repositories now
Open Pull Requests (open for review)
PR #295 Add required security scheme and scopes by @Eric Murray
Ready for final review.
PR #306 Add HTTP-status-codes for better Error Handling
PR for new issue #305
Add additional HTTP status codes 405, 406, 429
Supersedes also the (draft) PR #297 Add error 429 QUOTA_EXCEEDED?
@Maximilian Laue to address comments done during the meeting, afterwards ready for final review (Update: done)
PR #299 New API QOD Provision
Name of endpoint to be discussed (see comments from @Randy Levensalor within the PR). Eric: "provision" is mobile terminology, would be good to avoid.
@Jorge Garcia Hospital will ask @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo to address the comments.
To be able to include it within the release candidate we need to conclude the discussions about the PR until the next meeting (starting the final review).
Closed issues
#310 Remove terms of service and contact from APIs
Done with PR #311
New Issues
#309 Purpose of messages array in SessionInfo schema is undocumented
@Ramesh Shanmugasundaram will create the PR
If there are no objections to delete the parameter we will do so.
#305 Add more HTTP Status Codes for improved Error Handling
see PR #306
Issues relevant for v0.11.0
#292ย Scope of QualityOnDemand for Fall24 CAMARA release
From last call: Need to add Issue #268ย Provision mode for QoD to this release
New additions
Issue to make device object optional => @Herbert Damker to create the issue.
Issue #305
Issue #309
#101 List endpoint for active sessions of authenticated user
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo proposed a list endpoint for provisions within PR #299 and recommends to take this as template
PR needs to created soon to get it into the release.
Randy: name of the endpoint to be considered, see comment in PR #299
#166 Extend QoS Profile queries to list profiles based on specific users or devices
no update (will be done in consistency with #101 by Randy)
@Randy Levensalor will create PR to add the endpoint (adding device object optional)
#244 Align securitySchemes and security of QOD API spec with IdentityAndConsentManagement
addressed by PR #295
#245 Update and enhance test definition file for QOD API
Add issue to decide if we keep "cucumber" directory or update it (@Herbert Damker )
Request to all participants to consider to contribute current .feature files
#257 Error behaviour when session cannot be created due to "time cap" limitation
PR #297 replaced by PR #306 (check with @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo )
#268ย Provision mode for QoD
See PR 299
#300 Simplification of Device object - short term solution
Commonalities PR #233 Proposal to simplify device object and improve interoperability is merged and will be part of 0.4.0
=> new issue to be created @Herbert Damker (done: #313 Align with Commonality decision about optional device object and respective documentation )
Further Issues
#302 Providing developers with alternate to QoS profile
new enhancement proposal by @Mahesh Chapalamaduguย
discussion to be continued within the issue
Proposal to put into backlog for next release, as the discussion can't be concluded for the current release => put into the issue.
Any other topics
Next QoD meeting will be on July 12th, at 14:00 CEST / 12:00 UTC
We don't plan to skip meeting until the release (at least for now).