2024-11-15 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes
Attendees & Representation
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LF Staff:
Community: @Randy Levensalor@Eric Murray @Rafal Artych @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram @Akos Hunyadi @Masaharu Hattori
Review of previous meeting minutes
Overall Topics
Regular Topics
Closed PRs and Issues
Open Pull Requests
New Issues
Open Issues
Any Other Topics
Review of previous meeting minutes
Previous meeting minutes: 2024-10-18 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes
no comments
Overall topics
Patch release for Fall24?
See Scope for potential patch release r1.3 (v0.11.1/v0.1.1) · Issue #368 · camaraproject/QualityOnDemand
Issue describes potential scope. Decision about patch release in next meeting, having the PRs.
Concerns regarding changes in functionality in patch release.
There will not be a resolution from commonalities and will need to design a solution in this sub-project.
Further discussion will be needed to address all corner cases.
Eric: Suggest adding documentation for how the MSISDN would currently be treating in a Multi-SIM situation. Warning not to use the second SIM and to use another means of identification.
Eric will create a PR with this documentation.
Move this issue to the Sprint25 release.
Spring25 Release
Closed Pull Requests & Issues
Open Pull Requests
Provide final comments, will merge later this week if no objections.
New Issues
No new issues since last meeting.
Issues considered in discussion for scope of r1.3 release
#363 Local links within API documentation have to be release specific
Created after last QoD call, relevant for potential patch release r1.3
Issues considered in discussion for scope of Spring25 release
#362 Support of Multi-SIM lines in QoD APIs
Discussed in Spring Release planning.
#359 Add explanation on why there is a "POST /retrieve-sessions" instead of GET
#337 Potential enhancement of booking feature for qod-provision
@Masaharu Hattori updated user story based on feedback. https://github.com/camaraproject/QualityOnDemand/issues/337#issuecomment-2478610680
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo Suggested adding a location to the booking.
Note: The session would be terminated when the device leaves this location. Further discussion needed on how to address location.
@Eric Murray suggested to create a new booking API endpoint and test scenarios as a part of this PR.
@Masaharu Hattori Will create a PR for next meeting.
#147 Extend the query capabilities for Qos Profiles
@Randy Levensalor to create a PR
Potentially related: Commonalities/issues/179
#173 Add support for DSCP markings for QoD sessions
Reviewed slides
General support for adding these optional elements to the QoS Profile
DifferentiatedServicesCodepoint- Discussion for alternatives to the current proposals for how to best represent the value.
@Randy Levensalor Will create a PR for next meeting.
Not discussed
Not discussed
#302 Providing developers with alternate to QoS profile
Not discussed, no update
Remaining issues (#45, #194, #304, #317) to be checked (off-line) regarding closing / taking into scope
Any other topics
Created a discussion to change meeting time to track to UTC year round https://github.com/camaraproject/QualityOnDemand/discussions/374
Next QoD meeting will be on November 29th, at 14:00 CET / 13:00 UTC (UTC time pending outcome of discussion above)