2024-01-26 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes

Attendees & Representation

Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance

LF Staff:

Community: @Rafal Artych @Herbert Damker @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo
@Andrew Wajs @Jorge Garcia Hospital @Akos Hunyadi @Eric Murray , Emil Zhang, Joshua Peng, Maximilian Laue, Patrice Conil


  • Antitrust Policy

  • General Topics

    • New and existing Issues

    • Open Pull Requests for v0.10.0

    • Plan for release v0.10.0

  • Any Other Topics


New and existing Issues

  • #257 Error behaviour when session cannot be created due to "time cap" limitation

    • Jose explained the issue

    • Agreement: The enhancement is a candidate for v0.11.0 and got labeled with "QoD"

  • Herbert shortly explained the labeling of the issues:

    • Issues and PRs with 'v0.10.0' are relevant for the release candidate/release of v0.10.0

    • Issues with "QoD" label are candidates to be addressed within the next release after v0.11.0

    • "Backlog" issues are currently not considered for a release

    • Two issues are labeled still as "discussion".

Open Pull Requests for v0.10.0


    Herbert will update the PR and then ask for final reviews
  • PR #255 Updating the project scope in the ReadMe

    • Not ready for merge, as there are different opinions

    • Herbert argues that the scope of CAMARA includes mobile and fixed networks, the API should be technically agnostic regarding the underlying technology, and that the qosProfiles functionality allows to define different profiles and therefore products for different networks based on the offered products

    • Jorge García sees that the extension to fixed access networks will raise question on the product side, as the API should be offered completely, not partially raise error messages. He would prefer to see atomic APIs for the different scopes to be able to offer them as separate products 

    • Agreement: the explicit change of scope will not done for the release v0.10.0, but targeted for the next release (where it will be addressed together with issue #166).

    • Jorge García: It is important to communicate the scope change also back to GSMA OGW to ensure a consistent communication. 

    • The PR will kept open for discussion of the wording (changed to draft until the release of v0.10.0)

Plan for release v0.10.0

  • PR #258 need to be updated, reviewed and merged before the creation of the second release (RC2) candidate as proposed in issue #260

Herbert will create the PR for the RC2, target is to get the release candidate published during next week
  • Within next QoD call on Feb 9th we will decide if the RC2 will be final v0.10.0

Any other topics

  • Herbert asked about opinions about a necessary split of QoS Sessions and QoS Profiles into two separate YAML Files/APIs

    • There were no opinion raised but the motion came up to open an issue for this discussion

  • Next QoD will be February, 9th, at 14:00 CET / 13:00 UTC.

Action items