2024-03-08 Quality on Demand - Meeting Minutes
Attendees & Representation
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LF Staff: na
Community: @Herbert Damker @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Akos Hunyadi @Eric Murray @Jorge Garcia Hospital @Rafal Artych @Ramesh Shanmugasundaram @Toshi Wakayama @Syed Rehman Thorsten Lohmar, Joachim Dahlgren, Randy Levensalor, Masaharu Hattori
Review of previous meeting minutes
General Topics
Overall project
New Issues
Open PRs
Existing Issues
Any Other Topics
Overall project
GSMA (Toyeeb Rehman) presented in TSC a list of issues identified during certification of CAMARA API implementations. Worth to read and consider, available within the TSC Minutes, or via direct link to presentation.
Release v0.3.0 of Commonalities and remaining action points from it:
New issue for X-Correlator to be created โ issue #271 created, see below
Review of Linting rules implementation โ PR #270 created, see below
Release process and milestone plan for a CAMARA "meta" release in work. Will be relevant also for QualityOnDemand: new Commonalities & ICM releases, own scope definition within QoD needed for the release.
Open Pull Requests
PR #270ย Adding configuration for linting ruleset
Created by @Rafal Artych based on the agreed and tested configuration within Commonalities 0.3.0
Merge to be done before PR for issue #265 (split of APIs) will be started.
Action Point: Request for final review by code owners.
PR #269 Patch of documentation to address #267 (lack of statusInfo in SessionInfo)
Created by @Herbert Damker as agreed for issue #267
To be discussed if we want to have this as a patch or rather add the missing statusInfo directly as patch towards 0.10.1
Action Point: @Randyย will improve the wording
To be merged into main, creating a patch release 0.10.1 before merging further changes of the YAML.
Action Point: @Herbert Damker to prepare the patch release
PR #255 Updating the project scope in the ReadMe
Reopened for review after MWC as agreed.
Action Point: Request for final reviews by QoD Maintainers
Herbert will take the communications towards API Backlog afterwards @Herbert Damkerย
PR #228 and #217 still in draft mode.
New Issues
#271 X-Correlator required within OAS definition of QualityOnDemand API
Discussion: is there a common definition in Commonalities of the header parameter and how to document in the OAS or will it be copied from sub project to sub project?
Currently there is only the requirement with the Design Guidelines, no definition in common YAML nor an open issue for that
Action Point: Create a separate PR based on other sub projects integration of X-Correlator header (before PR for #265) @Jose Luis Urien Pinedoย
The proposal is about introducing a new API for permanent provisioning of a QosProfile. Session will not limited in duration and will be started when a device opens the defined flow.
Enhancement or even new API - would a discussion in API Backlog make sense?
Arguments: the API could be considered as a different product. The behaviour will be different and the API will most probably require a different charging model
Action Point: the API proposal template to be filled for this API (at least describing the differences to QoD Session API)
The template is available here: https://github.com/camaraproject/WorkingGroups/blob/main/APIBacklog/documentation/API-proposal-template.md
Existing Issues (without backlog, reverse order)
#101 List endpoint for active sessions of authenticated user
As of last meeting:
At least two different use cases
As described originally within the issue: API consumer wants to get a list of open sessions across different subscribers
within result would be only session created by the API consumer itself
Herbert: in this case the API consumer will not get additional (personal) information from this endpoint which they haven't received already earlier (during session creation). Potentially possible with 2-legged token?
Use case added by Jose: API consumer wants to get a list of sessions which are (potentially) already opened for a specific device
Would require a 3-legged token and potentially consent from end-user?
Discussion to be continued within the issue
No updates
#166ย Extend QoS Profile queries to list profiles based on specific users or devices
As of last meeting:
#265 to be done first (split of APIs)
More clarifications on subscription will be added by Emil
Description of parameters/filters within the issue needed
No updates
#194 Add Application Function Id (afId) or Sponsor Id
New comments were added within the issue camaraproject/IdentityAndConsentManagement#126 (opened by Syed), to be reviewed.
Syed will investigate into TMF 931.
Akos/Syed: backend service will not necessary get the client id via the access token. This might justify to add an application id within the payload.
#238ย Updating the project scope in the ReadMe
see PR #255 above
#244 Align securitySchemes and security of QOD API spec with IdentityAndConsentManagement
No update; #265 to be done first (split of APIs)
#245 Update and enhance test definition file for QOD API
Jose has opened a new issue in Commonalities with request for some additional guidelines (#158)
#249 Duration in QosProfile and SessionInfo
See previous minutes
#265 to be done first
#257ย Error behaviour when session cannot be created due to "time cap" limitation
PR will be created by Jose.
#265 Proposal to split QoS Sessions and QoS Profiles into two separate API definitions
Jose will prepare a PR, just the split without any further changes (incl. copying schemas, decision about common file later)
#267 Polling for statusInfo in GET /sessions/{sessionId} not possible
Bug within v0.10.0
PR #269 created as short-term patch
Further resolution: Add theย
to the GET /sessions/{sessionId} - response โ will be done in v0.11.0
Any other topics
Next QoD will be on March 22nd, at 14:00 CET / 13:00 UTC.
Please be aware the US will change to summertime on March 10th, so this specific meeting will be there one hour later as usual (e.g. 06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT)
The first meeting in EU summertime will be on April 5th at 14:00 CET / 12:00 UTC