2024-09-19 TSC Minutes

Attendees & Representation

TSC Members may indicate their attendance by marking an X in the column to the right.

Community members may use @name tag to mark their attendance below the table. 


Deutsche Telekom AG

TSC Chair, Active Maintainerx

Deutsche Telekom AG

Active Maintainerx


Active Maintainerx


Active Maintainerx


TSC Deputy Chair, Active Maintainerx


EUC Representative

Summit Tech

EUC Representativex


Active Maintainerx


Active Maintainerx


Backlog Representativex


EUC Representativex


TSC Deputy ChairX


Active Maintainer


Active Maintainer
George Glass

TM Forum

TM Forum Representative

TM Forum

TM Forum Representativex


GSMA Representative


GSMA Representativex

LF Staff: Evan Harrison Casey Cain 

Community: Axel Nennker G. Murat Karabulut Jorge Garcia Hospital Pierre Close SHENG-MU LI Simon Davies Thorsten Lohmar Rafal Artych 

Tanja de Groot 


The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
  • Action Items Review
  • General Topics
    • Governance & project management issues
    • Release Management
    • API Backlog
    • Commonalities
    • Identity & Consent Management
  • Specific Topics
  • Any Other Topics


Review and approval of previous meeting minutes

Action Item Review

Governance & Project Management issues

  • Migration of wiki.camaraproject.org into Atlassian Cloud
    • Was tentatively scheduled for August 29th ...was delayed due to an issue with linking to meeting templates.
    • New deployment date will start on  
      • migration delay was due to broken links in template mechanism in the "create minutes" button on landing page. From now on: use the "create new minutes page" button on the parent page of the minutes list
      • Friday outage was due to license expiry as the migration was supposed to have happened already - Atlassian is depricating their data center solutions.
      • A note about the new Cloud deployment.  Other communities have experienced issues with "copying" previous minutes' pages.  It is suggested to always use the create from template button, which will be moved to the "2024 <sub project/working group> Minutes" parent page.
  • Sandbox/Incubated/Graduated/Archived proposal - new proposal for the lifecycle of API Repositories
    • Reminder: Issue in Governance to comment: https://github.com/camaraproject/Governance/issues/159, detailed proposal within Wiki: https://lf-camaraproject.atlassian.net/wiki/x/sive
    • Thanks to Jorge Garcia Hospital for intensive review and valuable comments.
    • Agreed changes to the proposal based on the comments (not yet applied to the proposal text):
      • Clarification that there are four cases of outcome for scope enhancements / new API proposals in API Backlog (if accepted within the working group):
        • Scope enhancements which are only impacting existing APIs are handled in existing API Repository
        • Scope enhancements proposed by a Sub Project and resulting in a new API: The Sandbox API Repository  will immediately part of a Sub Project.
        • If an independent API proposal aims to be part of an existing Sub Project and gets accepted by the Sub Project, the Sandbox API Repository will be part of the Sub Project from the beginning as well.
        • An independent API proposal which has no target Sub Project gets only a Sandbox API Repository, but yet a Sub Project.
      • Within the Incubation pre-requisites it is sufficient that a previous (initial) version has been implemented – deleting the requirement that it has been (commercially) launched
      • Removing the dependencies between initial/stable API versions and Sandbox/Incubated status (requires the review of criteria for Stable API versions)
      • Incubation process will be decoupled time wise from the Meta-release cycles
      • Requirements to continuously update API to follow Commonalities changes have to be discussed
    • Further outcomes of the discussion:
      • Clarification that the nomination of a Maintainer for an API Repository after the initial development phase isn't time consuming, to encourage the active support from operators for an API they want to get incubated
      • Requirements about updates of APIs to follow Commonalities changes have to be clarified
      • With the current proposed requirements we have currently only Sandbox and Incubated API Repositories. Graduation will happen based on commercial adoption by operators.
    • Time to go to governance for finale decision
      • No need the change the charter document (tbc)
      • It will change the process of API onboarding & the document ProjectStructureAndRoles.
      • Tanja de Groot We can leverage this to fix "family/subgroup/subProject" wording. Need clarification, conversation to continue offline.

Release Management (Tanja de Groot) - updated  

  • Meta-release Fall24 - CAMARA Project - Confluence
  • Next release cycle ("Spring25") starts on September 30th (M0 - Kickoff)
    • Initial indication that the M1 may need to be delayed. Date to be determined next week in RM meeting.
  •  M6: feedback on release process welcome from all participants. Please provide feedback either as a GitHub issue in the ReleaseManagement repo or on the Meta-release feedback page.
    • Updates to the process will be incorporated for use in the upcoming meta-release.
  • Request from Jorge Garcia Hospital to check if we can align the release of the Meta release with the MWC (3-6 March 2025)
    • It was on purpose that the Meta-release is planned forafter MWC to avoid confusion between Telco API launch announcements (which will be based at MWC on Fall24 release) vs Spring24 Meta-release announcement (with new API versions which can't be already implemented)
      • This is probably a point to be discussed with GSMA communication/marketing team
  • Eric Murray raised the question about breaking/non breaking change assessment - up to the RM team or by Project?

API Backlog (patricia.serranogonzalez@telefonica.com Jorge Garcia Hospital )

  • Repository for QualityByDesign created (as decided last meeting)
  • New API proposal brought to TSC (2):

See message https://lists.camaraproject.org/g/tsc/message/227

    • TelcoIndex API
      • Supported by Telefonica, DT, Vodafone
      • API proposal: Link
      • Discussion:
    • Dedicated Networks API
      • Supported by Ericsson, Nokia, Telefonica, Vodafone
      • API proposal: Link
      • Decision : Start the work in a sandbox (repo) and then with provided assets check/reassess collision/overlap with other CAMARA API (like network slicing booking API but other APIs could be affected)

Commonalities (Rafal Artych )

  • An issue is open to discuss the scope of the next version: Commonalities/issues/273 - scope should be closed for
    • Since 5 APIs are now stable - how to deal with guidelines enforcing breaking changes in API specifications?
    • Herbert: add in the PR template a section on breaking changes and that indicates that there is an impact on API - the PR description should be updated accordingly if a breaking change gets added by a later commit.
  • M1 date for Spring25
    • Current date too early for the first alpha release
  • Eric: versioning numbers - review the versioning of Commonalities and ICM → Eric to raise an issue in commonalities/ICM
  • There is a proposal in RM to use the release numbering for overall release, not the version number: Align also Working Group release numbering with the rx.n numbering schema starting in Spring25 cycle · Issue #94

Identity & Consent Management  (Axel Nennker )

Specific Topic: Arazzo Specification discussion (Kevin Smith )

  • moved to next meeting

Any Other Business

  • Eric: we should be organizing new TSC elections - Casey will organize and discuss details. 

Next Meeting

  • Next TSC Meeting would be on October 3rd at 10:00 CEST / 8:00 UTC / 01:00 PST
    • Holiday in Germany - one of co-chairs to moderate - others to nominate replacements.
  • Specific agenda topics (backlog:
    • Specific Topic: Arazzo Specification discussion (Kevin Smith )

Action items

  • Specific Topic: Arazzo Specification discussion (Kevin Smith ) - To review during next tsc call

  • Request the CAMARA Marketing Working Group to clarify if the Spring25 Meta-release should potentially be announced at MWC, or - as currently planned - after MWC at another event Herbert Damker  
  • Check if  linting can help to preserve backward compatibility (e.g. with warnings in case of breaking changes) Rafal Artych  
  • Create New API repository DedicatedNetworks Herbert Damker  
  • Clarify if new repository for the "Telco Index" proposal should be created with this or another initial name Jorge Garcia Hospital  
  • Propose time plan and start TSC election with (self)nomination phase Casey Cain