2024-12-10 Release WG Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Herbert Damker @Ola Ajibola @Rafal Artych
Community Attendees:
@Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @G. Murat Karabulut @Tanja de Groot
LF Staff:
@Casey Cain
Antitrust Policy
Action item review
Release Management releases
Spring25 meta-release
Fall24 meta-release
Issues review
Action item review
No actions on Release Management Working Group - CAMARA Project - CAMARA Project
@Tanja de Groot to do a PR to add Herbert to the RM CODEOWNERS - done issue #122
Release Management releases
Question to Herbert: impact on RM artifacts of the new API classification as sandbox, incubated, graduated.
There should be no impact for now as these are decoupled from the release management as initial / stable API versions
Note: we should think about when to protect the main branch of a sandbox API - expected to be documented in Project structure & rules document
Public release of the RM repository to be done for M2 (exception from โnormalโ release at M1 for Spring25 meta-release).
Updates to be done:
patch creation: shall update the existing release tracker propose to add guidelines that the patch shall
update the release tracker page title to reflect the patch version
update the API version field
NOT update the Target version field
add guidelines to republish Fall24 APIs to Spring25 (probably all APIs need to update to new versions of Commonalities and ICM)
do a call out on the creation of release trackers on all hands call
Tanja to fix the Sandbox page + add repo field - done
Spring25 meta-release
Commonalities: alpha version available as r2.1
what is the expected M2 date ? see bM2 elow
note: document restructuring can wait after M2 (as a second rc)
ICM: 0.3.0-alpha.1 version available as r2.1.
what is the expected M2 date ? see M2 below
It is agreed that the M2 date is declared to be at the date of the alpha releases availability: 12-06. The alpha releases include all changes impacting API definitions. Sub Projects can work for their M3 with the available alpha releases.
The new M2 date will be announced on the All hands this week.
API release PRs for M3 are to be done ASAP.
Proposal from Release Management to TSC is to shift M3 to 2025-01-15 (final cut-off date for API release PRs)
Decision on date will be discussed at TSC on Dec 19th.
Fall24 meta-release
Patch updates of APIs can be done as needed.
Discussion is if a patch should have its own API release tracker or not (issue How to handle ReleaseTracker for Patch Releases ยท Issue #125). It was discussed that no new release tracker should be created, but that he existing release tracker shall be updated to avoid having multiple lines for one API in the meta-release (and also to avoid editorial issues).
Issues review
How to handle ReleaseTracker for Patch Releases enhancement #125 opened last week by hdamker - se above - closed
Align also Working Group release numbering with the rx.n numbering schema starting in Spring25 cycle enhancement #94 opened on Sep 6 by hdamker - propose to close as all WGs have now created their rm.n release. @Tanja de Groot to check documentation
API Versioning - Aggregation backlog question release management #14 opened on Jul 6, 2023 by chrishowell - @Tanja de Groot to ask Chris to confirm that the v0.y approach solves the issue.
Ongoing API reviews
DeviceSwap r1.2 release review (first public release) review #129 opened 1 hour ago by hdamker 11 tasks
Commonalities r2.1 release review review #127 opened 5 days ago by tanjadegroot 6 of 6 tasks - can be closed
LocationInsights r1.1 release review review #126 opened 2 weeks ago by hdamker 11 tasks
KnowYourCustomer r1.4 patch release review review #123 opened 3 weeks ago by hdamker 8 of 12 tasks
Meetings of Dec 24 and Dec 31st will be cancelled. Restarting on Jan 7th, 2025 with weekly meeting.
Update RM meeting invite to UTC @Casey Cain - done