2024-10-08 Release WG Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Tanja de Groot @Herbert Damker @Samuel Adeyemo @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Rafal Artych @Jan Friman
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
@Casey Cain
Antitrust Policy
Action item review
Spring25 meta-release
Updated release tracker
Checklist update
Issues review
Action item review
See Release Management Working Group - CAMARA Project - CAMARA Project (atlassian.net) - no actions.
Spring25 meta-release
M0 kickoff was declared by the TSC
M0 announcement msg to be sent after today's meeting @Tanja de Groot - announcement to be done in the CAMARA All Hands on 10/10.
Meta-release page updates: changes to the table for Comm. & ICM to include patches and simplify process. @Tanja de Groot to update the process text accordingly.
Updated release tracker
see Test v0.3.0 - CAMARA Project - CAMARA Project (atlassian.net)
API release tracker template simplification / updates agreed during the meeting. Red text will be removed and replaced by a note. @Tanja de Groot to update the process text accordingly.
@Tanja de Groot to trigger Casey when final template text available.
Checklist update
Change the column name “comments” to “Reference information”. require that the versions for Comm and ICM be listed there (can be just text) - @Tanja de Groot to update the description and create an issue for the checklist update in GitHub.
Proposal to remove the x-commonalities field from the OAS files, as hard to maintain e.g. in case of patches. @Rafal Artych to create an issue in Commonalities to discuss this, and if agreed, RM review guidelines need to be adapted. @Tanja de Groot
Issues list
issues for RM release (#97/98/99): slow progress on RM release - need some help
should only have changelog (not version part) - how to cherry pick commits ?
Align also Working Group release numbering with the rx.n numbering schema starting in Spring25 cycle enhancement #94 opened last month by hdamker
Update the wiki to describe approach taken @Tanja de Groot
Naming convention for Maintenance branches and branch protection rule for them bug enhancement #93 opened last month by hdamker
Text to be updated by Tanja to “maintenance-rx” based on release numbers
Herbert to execute on the branch protection mechanism on all branches “main*” (https://github.com/camaraproject/Governance/issues/160 created for that)
Clarification of CHANGELOG requirements for first release candidate with previous alpha release backlog documentation #63 opened on Jul 26 by hdamker
Tanja to do: - stuck on RM release issues
insert the proposed text to CHANGELOG_TEMPLATE
update the CL EXAMPLE with and actual one
Cross references into Commonalities, ICM and into the own API repository have to use links to a release, not into main bug release management #51 opened on Jul 25 by hdamker
@Herbert Damker to describe final approach and close issue. Only links at repo level shall be used, not to any file in the repo.
Check for links in the RM documentation in GitHub @Tanja de Groot