2024-07-23 Release WG Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Tanja de Groot @Ludovic Robert @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Herbert Damker @Samuel Adeyemo
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
@Casey Cain
Antitrust Policy
Agenda Review
Action Items Review: Release Management Working Group - CAMARA Project - Confluence
Open Issues Review: Issues · camaraproject/ReleaseManagement (github.com)
Meta-release status: Meta-release Fall24 - CAMARA Project - Confluence
Multiple-API repo release
API reviews - practicalities
FAQ additions
Versioning of release management guidelines
Vacation schedule (reminder)
Action Items Review
Missing release manager will handicap M3 milestone reviews - need for distribution and automation. Risk on the Meta-release date.
add a backlog issue on linting rules for RM and other guidelines
Open Issues Review
Add team release-management_maintainers to all sub project with read access in order to allow Sub Projects to mention the team wg management
#43 opened 18 hours ago by hdamker
Clarification on release tag and version naming for Commonalities and ICM documentation
#41 opened last week by rartych
RM team suggest to update the ICM release tag name at the next release. linked to ICM release plan issue done.
Update links in README.md file documentation
#40 opened 3 weeks ago by tanjadegroot -
API Versioning - Aggregation backlog question release management
#14 opened on Jul 6, 2023 by chrishowell
backlog item
Meta-release status
23 release-candidate APIs (+2). 3 stable APIs
Multiple-API repo release
device-location sub Project will keep 3 APIs in one repo for the Fall24 release. After it may be split. The question is how to handle the release management.
see CHANGELOG and Readme examples in device-status PR#190
should not have any wip API version
One changelog
one readme
3 release trackers (one per API)
3 API readiness checklists
the final release PR should do ONLY update wip to version and documentation updates
to check links, create a (test)branch with the release tag name (and then remove the branch)
M3 API reviews - practicalities
how to distribute work - proposal to use a Sub Project issue in which to track what is reviewed and by whom ?
RM issue per API review which references one or more review issue(s) / release PR(s) of the Sub Project
question: would it be allowed to have an additional release of the same API version in case of RM review updates for example ? yes, one can re-release the same API version if no or only patch changes to the yaml content were done. (typos, english, etc).
Review issue template
yaml - info object / servers objects for version
readme - enforce release number and API version naming.
API readiness checklist
comments on content in the release PR can be on
content related comments encountered during the review should be done in a separate issue, for example header file schema example (putting parameters in headers in a get operation for security instead of using a POST - may need further guidelines, and possibly definition of common schema definition for header parameters.
FAQ additions
What to do if I accidentally released my API before Release Management check ?
You can easily create a next release rx.y+1 at any time.
In this case, create a "Release Management review" issue in your Sub Project and assign it to a release manager (tanja, samuel, herbert, jose luis, rafal)
If there is a change required, this will be put in the comments in the issue and the Sub Project team can start a new PR to include the changes.
NOTE: If there are substantial change the version should go back to wip in a dedicated PR and release later. If it concerns content changes to the API yaml file, then also the API version should be increased in-line with the type of change (most likely MINOR ot PATCH).
The Sub Project can decide when to merge the PR and create the new release.
What to do in case of codeowner absence (only during holidays) ?
You should have at lease 2 or preferably 3 codeowners
However in case of issues, if consent of the team seems OK, an admin can do a merge (email: adm@camaraproject.org)
HINT: How do I check that links in my Sub Project are defined correctly ?
To check links in the repo, create a (test)branch, tag it with the targeted release tag name.
It will give errors if links are not aligned. Then delete the (test)branch.
Update the links latest in the release PR.
Versioning of release management guidelines
Proposal to do r0.1.0 (no alpha/release-candidate approach).
Vacation schedule:
Samuel: Aug 7-14th
Tanja: Aug 5-30th
Rafal: Aug 12-16 + other tbd
Casey: first week of Sep
Herbert: not fixed yet