2024-09-24 Release WG Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Herbert Damker @Rafal Artych @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Samuel Adeyemo @Tanja de Groot
Community Attendees:
LF Staff:
@Casey Cain
Antitrust Policy
Action item review
M0: kick-off Spring25 meta-release
M1: Discuss delay of alpha release
M6: feedback
Issues review
Action item review
need to check the picture on the meta-release pages (currently not loading)
M0: kick-off Spring25 meta-release
Release Management: prepare meta-release plan - page issue with time line picture to be fixed this week - PlantUML plugin missing.
Commonalities & ICM: define scope and start alpha release development (see next agenda item)
TSC: declare M0 - meta-release kickoff (Oct 3rd) - ask to create new release trackers (for new APIs and for new major/minor versions of Fall24 released APIs - Note: patches are handled against the Fall24 API release trackers) - APIs should create and register their scope issue + target version, etc.
update of the API release tracker template. See: Use by RM admins only: Content for API release tracker template (v5 - 19/09/2024) - CAMARA Project - CAMARA Project (atlassian.net) @Tanja de Groot @Casey Cain
M0 email to all mailing list. @Tanja de Groot
M1: Discuss delay of alpha release
Commonalities - 2 weeks is too short - exception: create PRs for all issues in scope to be available by october 31st which will be considered as the M1; critical issues to be PR-ed by mid Oct - ask Sub Groups to review the PRs.
ICM - sam as above
exception for the Spring25 meta-release (which suffers from a slight delay dur to teh Fall2 meta-release. we exceptionally redefine the definition of M1 based on PRs availability (as above).
email to RM mailing list to announce this approach for M1 @Tanja de Groot
Release numbering for Commonalities and ICM: define approach with a version file + content guideline
M6: feedback
Issues created for doing the RM documentation release
Reviewed feedback listed on page here: Process feedback - CAMARA Project - Confluence
Updates to be done by Oct 2nd and to be included in the R2.1
Issues review
Most are to be handles for the r2.1
Issue 51: do a search on "main" in the full camaraproject
Clean version of the review checklist in Review issue template and align with review guidelines.
Issues with cloud migration
Issue with editor rights
Issue with meta-release timeline picture
All links to Confluence in Github: do they need to be updated manually ? yes @Casey Cain to check for other options;
Ensure other external references (e.g. from GSMA etc) to the old Confluence are automatically rerouted to the new one.
Text of release should contain the link to the APi definition file (3 links) (first in the changelog.md, then copy to the GitHub release notes.