2024-01-30 Release WG Minutes
Attendees & Representation
Type @ and your name to indicate your attendance
LF Staff: @Casey Cain
Community: @Tanja de Groot @Herbert Damker @Uwe Rauschenbach @Jan Friman @Samuel Adeyemo @G. Murat Karabulut @Jose Luis Urien Pinedo @Mark Cornall Marouane Balmakhtar
The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF. |
Roll Call
Action Items Review
Agenda Bashing
General Topics
Any Other Topics
General Topics
@Tanja de Groot asked:
Is the current way that GitHub releases and branches/tags are being used in the CAMARA project documented already, or not?
There is https://github.com/camaraproject/Commonalities/blob/main/documentation/Camara_Versioning_Guidelines.md, answering some topics, but not all questions regarding versioning of the APIs within the repositories.
Was it already decided where the RM process should be documented ? in GitHub .md files or in the CAMARA Wiki?
General opinion: for the release process description the wiki might be the best place
There was a reminder to ensure that everyone should setup a profile at https://openprofile.dev and login at least once to the wiki to ensure that you can be assigned action items in the wiki.
Herbert introduced the volunteer release managers @Samuel Adeyemo & @Marouane Balmakhtar
Casey encouraged the community to watch the recordings from the release management training.
Two new wiki pages created under the home of the Release Management Working Group:
Meta-release Milestones ... work space for the description of the release process
Tanja copied the content from the last RM call over to this page
CAMARA meta-releases for the work on the releases